The first IP you connect to (besides a DNS) is a server that provides a list of public IP’s. These IPs can be used as entry points into the DHT network. This list is usually provided by the same people who make the bitTorrent client, though of course technically you can find a participating IP by any method that works (like asking a friend).
After you enter the network, you’ll discover more IPs by using DHT lookups. It’s likely that these IPs will be stored locally on your hard drive so you can just connect directly next time without fetching the bootstrap list first.
The magnet link contains a hash – basically a unique ID – which identifies the file you’re looking for. It doesn’t contain any IPs, nor does it need to. A hash is mathematically calculated from the exact contents of the file. Due to the extreme calculations involved, a hash nearly never refers to any other file on the planet. It’s almost impossible to spoof.
Other users on the DHT network know about this hash -> contents relation, so when you say “someone, gimme the exact sequence of bytes that match this hash”, they do, and you have your file!
Hope that explains things.
A client can learn about other DHT-capable peers through it’s interactions with them. A peer’s support for DHT is advertised in it’s Handshake. Once a client discovers at least one good, well-connected DHT peer, it can navigate the DHT to find more and closer DHT peers. It will remember these peers, called nodes in DHT-speak, between restarts of the software and maintain/update the list continuously while it is running. In the worse case where a client knows of no good DHT-capable peers, it will require you to download a tracker-based torrent so it can hopefully contact a few good DHT-capable peers it learns about through the tracker.
Update: For it’s initial list of DHT peers, as @Seppo points out, a torrent client can use one or more hard-coded DNS names to find the addresses for well-known peers, and it may also include a hard-coded list of peers as a final fallback as well. One limitation of DNS, however, it no port information is provided so a default port of 6881 is generally assumed whereas other means support peers operating on different ports.
The initial bootstrap DHT peer on uTorrent is router.utorrent.com
Nobody answered the OPs question, I had the same question myself.
After the initial load, a cache of DHT peers is kept and used.
More reading:
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- 《網路是怎樣連線的》讀書筆記筆記
- GSMA:2018年移動網際網路連線現狀報告(附下載)
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