愚人節到了,如果你想和那些要上網的朋友或同事開個極客式玩笑,那就來試試這個國外網友Wes Bos分享的 CSS 檔案吧。 免責宣告:惡搞帶來的所有後果,請惡搞者自行負責。本站不承擔任何責任。(*^__^*)
一、開啟瀏覽器的 Custom.css 檔案
本文以 Chrome 為例(CSS 修改後立即生效),進入同事或朋友的電腦,按下面方式開啟 Custom.css 檔案
- Mac:~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css
- Windows XP:系統盤:\Documents and Settings\使用者名稱\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\Custom.css(其他 Windows 系統類似,在個人賬號中的找“應用資料” AppData……)
- Ubuntu (Chromium):~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css
二、在 Custom.css 檔案中新增相應CSS程式碼
1. 網頁上下顛倒
/* Turn every website upside down */ body { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); }
2. 網頁旋轉
/* Spin every Website */ body { /*-webkit-animation: spin 5s linear infinite;*/ }
3. 網頁中所有圖片上下顛倒
/* Flip all images upside down */ img { /*-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);*/ }
4. 網頁中所有圖片都自轉
/* Spin all images */ img { /*-webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;*/ }
5. 網頁倒在地上了(請用內容超過多屏的網頁測試)
/* Make every website fall over! */ /* html, body { height: 100%; } html { -webkit-perspective: 1000; } body { -webkit-transform-origin: bottom center; -webkit-transform: rotateX(-90deg); -webkit-animation: fall 1.5s ease-in; } */
上面就列舉這些了,其他惡搞內容,請參見下面這段 CSS 程式碼。
/* aprilFools.css Written by Wes Bos I assume no responsibility for angry co-workers or lost productivity Put these CSS definitons into your co-workers Custom.css file. They will be applied to every website they visit as well as their developer tools. Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css PC: C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css Ubuntu (Chromium): ~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css */ /* Turn every website upside down */ body { /*-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);*/ } /* blur every website for a split second every 30 seconds */ body { /*-webkit-animation: blur 30s infinite;*/ } /* Spin every Website */ body { /*-webkit-animation: spin 5s linear infinite;*/ } /* Flip all images upside down */ img { /*-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);*/ } /* COMIC SANS EVERYTHING */ body, p, body p, body div p { /*font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive !important;*/ } /* Spin all images */ img { /*-webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;*/ } /* Hide every 2nd paragraph element on a page */ p:nth-child(2) { /*display:none !important;*/ } /* Spin dev tools round and round */ #-webkit-web-inspector { /*-webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite; */ } /* Flip dev tools upside down */ #-webkit-web-inspector { /*-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);*/ } /* Hide the close button */ #-webkit-web-inspector .toolbar-item.close-left { /*display:none !important;*/ } /* Make console text all blurry */ #-webkit-web-inspector .console-group-messages { /*text-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5) !important;*/ } #-webkit-web-inspector .console-error-level .console-message-text, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-error-level .section .header .title { /*text-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(255,0,0,.5) !important;*/ } #-webkit-web-inspector .console-user-command > .console-message-text { /*text-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,128,255,.5) !important;*/ } #-webkit-web-inspector .console-group-messages, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-user-command > .console-message-text, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-null, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-undefined, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-debug-level .console-message-text, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-error-level .console-message-text, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-error-level .section .header .title, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-group-messages .section .header .title, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-object, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-node, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-array, #-webkit-web-inspector .section .properties .name, #-webkit-web-inspector .event-properties .name, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-object .name, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-number, #-webkit-web-inspector .console-formatted-string, #-webkit-web-inspector #console-messages a { /*color: transparent !important;*/ } /* HTML PRIDE! */ html { /*-webkit-animation: rainbow 8s infinite;*/ } /* Make every website fall over! */ /* html, body { height: 100%; } html { -webkit-perspective: 1000; } body { -webkit-transform-origin: bottom center; -webkit-transform: rotateX(-90deg); -webkit-animation: fall 1.5s ease-in; } */ /* Insert a phrase every paragraph */ /* p:before { content: "YOLO "; } */ /* Animations */ @-webkit-keyframes blur { 0% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); } 49% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); } 50% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px); } 51% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); } 100% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px); } } @-webkit-keyframes spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes rainbow { 100% { -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes fall { 0% { -webkit-transform: none; } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotateX(-90deg); } }
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