用java如何獲取對MS Server2005剛剛插入資料的ID值?
使用資料庫是MS SQL Server2005,建立一個表,其中有ID列為identity,在程式中需要獲取剛剛插入資料的ID值作為另一個表的外來鍵,在Store Procedure可以用output子句,但用java怎麼獲取呢?
有人說用select @@identity,當然好興奮,寫了個main函式測試下,果然OK,但放在JSP中發覺得是取不得的。不知道為什麼,這貌似一樣,總之至今也還不知道為什麼?
後來有人很大膽和很負責任說select @@identity是不行的,給個MSDN文件,這當然權威好多了。
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver supports the optional JDBC 3.0 APIs to retrieve automatically generated row identifiers. The main value of this feature is to provide a way to make IDENTITY values available to an application that is updating a database table without a requiring a query and a second round-trip to the server.
Because SQL Server does not support pseudo columns for identifiers, updates that have to use the auto-generated key feature must operate against a table that contains an IDENTITY column. SQL Server allows only a single IDENTITY column per table. The result set that is returned by getGeneratedKeys method of the SQLServerStatement class will have only one column, with the returned column name of GENERATED_KEYS. If generated keys are requested on a table that has no IDENTITY column, the JDBC driver will return a null result set.
As an example, create the following table in the SQL Server 2005 AdventureWorks sample database:
CREATE TABLE TestTable (Col1 int IDENTITY, Col2 varchar(50), Col3 int);
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