Face R-CNN論文解讀



這篇文章在基於faster rcnn做了一些改進:

First, based on a newly developed loss function called center loss [33], we design a new multi-task
loss function in the Fast R-CNN model to supervise the learning of discriminative deep features for
face/non-face classification.

Second, in the learning of deep features, we use online hard example
mining algorithm [1] to generate hard samples (in which the ratio of positive samples to negative
samples is set to be 1:1) for subsequent processing.

Third, we use multi-scale training strategy to
help improve the detection performance.

這篇文章與faster rcnn的不同之處主要在fast rcnn部分

1、Center Loss

fast rcnn的損失函式變為:

為了使得center loss均衡,一個mini batch中正負樣本比例限制為1:1.

2、Online Hard Example Mining


3、Multi-Scale Training

Instead of using a fixed scale for all the training images in the typical Faster R-CNN framework, we
design a multi-scale representation for each image by resizing the original image to different sizes
during the training process. In this way, the learned model is more adapted to low-resolution faces.
In the testing process, multi-scale testing is performed accordingly, and the predicted bounding
boxes at different image scales are combined into the final output.


We train the detector using VGG19 with the ImageNet pre-trained model.
