adb shell am broadcast
adb shell am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://28346
import static other.packages.Intents.SECRET_CODE_ACTION // ="android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE "
Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SECRET_CODE_ACTION,
Uri.parse("android_secret_code://" + "28346"));
context.sendBroadcast(intent);廣播接收端 方式1:
<receiver android:name="MyReceiver" >
<action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE" />
<data android:scheme="android_secret_code" android:host="28346" />
廣播接收 方式2:public void onReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
if (intent.getAction().equals(SECRET_CODE_ACTION)) {
String host = intent.getData().getHost();
if (host.equals("767*3855") && !isKeyStringBlocked()) {
// do something
adb shell am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://767*3855
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