


relevantcodes.com的《QTP: Retrieve The Count of Objects in a Browser Efficiently》這篇文章介紹瞭如何封裝一個類來快速獲取到某個頁面中指定型別的物件的個數:




Class clsClassCount


    Public CountType



    ' Name: Function GetClassCount (Public)


    ' Purpose:


    ' Input:

    '     BaseObject- Object containing the ClassName objects

    '     ClassName- MicClass for which the count is being retrieved for


    ' Output:

    '     Integer


    ' Author: Anshoo Arora



    Public Function GetClassCount( BaseObject, ClassName ) ' As Integer



        If Not BaseObject.Exist( 0 ) Then

            Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "GetClassCount", "BaseObject was not found."

            GetClassCount = -1

            Exit Function

        End If


        Dim oDesc, intCount


        intCount = 0


        Set oDesc = Description.Create

        oDesc( "micclass" ).Value = ClassName


        intCount = BaseObject.ChildObjects( oDesc ).Count


        If Not CountType = "ALL" Then

            oDesc( "x" ).Value = 0

            intCount = intCount - BaseObject.ChildObjects( oDesc ).Count

        End If


        GetClassCount = intCount

    End Function


End Class


Public refClassCount: Set refClassCount = New clsClassCount



' Name: Function GetObjectCount (Public)


' Purpose: Retrieve object count (visible + hidden)


' Input:

'     BaseObject- Object containing the ClassName objects

'     ClassName- MicClass for which the count is being retrieved for


' Output:

'     Integer


Public Function GetObjectCount( BaseObject, ClassName ) ' As Integer


    refClassCount.CountType = "ALL"

    GetObjectCount = refClassCount.GetClassCount( BaseObject, ClassName )

End Function



' Name: Function GetVisibleObjectCount (Public)


' Purpose: Retrieve visible objects count


' Input:

'     BaseObject- Object containing the ClassName objects

'     ClassName- MicClass for which the count is being retrieved for


' Output:

'     Integer


Public Function GetVisibleObjectCount( BaseObject, ClassName ) ' As Integer


    refClassCount.CountType = ""

    GetVisibleObjectCount = refClassCount.GetClassCount( BaseObject, ClassName )

End Function




GetObjectCount: Retrieves the total count of objects on the webpage. This includes hidden + non-hidden objects.

GetVisibleObjectCount: This retrieves the number of non-hidden objects on the webpage.




'This is where the objects are being searched for:

Set BaseObject = Browser("title:=.*實用性測試.*").Page("micclass:=Page")


Print BaseObject.Exist


' Retrieve the total number of Link Objects

MsgBox GetObjectCount( BaseObject, "Link" )


' Retrieve the total non-hidden number of Link Objects

MsgBox GetVisibleObjectCount( BaseObject, "Link" )



