AutomatedQA釋出TestComplete新版本7.52 – 支援Qt4.6.0
AutomatedQA is happy to announce the availability of TestComplete 7.52, a maintenance release for our flagship automated testing tool.
TestComplete 7.52 adds out-of-the-box support for Qt 4.6.0, the latest version of a popular application and UI framework, enabling companies to ensure safe upgrade of the Qt library in their products. Free TestComplete add-ons for earlier Qt versions are available as a separate download.
The new version also provides bug fixes and stability enhancements, and is a recommended update for all TestComplete 7 users. For a complete list of changes in TestComplete 7.52, visit this page:
This update is free of charge for all registered users of TestComplete 7. To download it, just log in to our client portal:
If you have not tried TestComplete yet, you can request a free trial version of TestComplete 7.52 here:
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