public void testMain(Object[] args)
//Start Classics Java Application
startApp ( "ClassicsJavaA" );
//Navigate to Existing Order Grid
jmb().click(atPath ( "Order" ));
jmb().click(atPath ( "Order->View Existing Order Status..." ));
// Frame: View Order Status
nameComboB().click(atText ( "Claire Stratus" ));
// Frame: View Existing Orders
existingTable().click(atPoint (172,92));
//Get the data for the table
ITestDataTable orderTable = (ITestDataTable)existingTable().getTestData( "contents" );
//Display the available data types for the grid, total rows and columns.
System. out .println ( "Available Data Types: " + existingTable().getTestDataTypes ());
System. out .println ( "Total Rows in table : " + orderTable.getRowCount());
System. out .println ( "Total Cols in table : " + orderTable.getColumnCount());
// Cycle through all rows
for ( int row=0; row < orderTable.getRowCount();++row)
// Cycle through all columns
for ( int col=0; col < orderTable.getColumnCount();++col)
// Print out values of cells at (row,col ) coordinates
System. out .println ( "Row " + row + ", " + orderTable.getColumnHeader (col) + ": " +orderTable.getCell (row,col) );
// Close the frame
// Frame: ClassicsCD
classicsJava( ANY , MAY_EXIT ).close();
Available Data Types: {contents=表內容, visible contents=可見表內容, selected=選中的表單元格, visible selected=選定可見表單元格}
Total Rows in table : 1
Total Cols in table : 7
Row 0, ORDER ID: 7
Row 0, ORDER DATE: 3/11/98
Row 0, STATUS: Order Initiated
Row 0, COMPOSER: Bach
Row 0, COMPOSITION: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1 & 3
Row 0, QUANTITY: 5
Row 0, TOTAL: 84.9500
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