startApp ( "calc" );
sleep (3);
IWindow parent = getTopWindowWithCaption( "計算器" , true );
IWindow btn_1 = getChildWindowWithText(parent, "1" , true , false );
IWindow btn_add = getChildWindowWithText(parent, "+" , true , false );
IWindow btn_equal = getChildWindowWithText(parent, "=" , true , false );
btn_equal .click();
getTopWindowWithCaption函式 根據指定的標題查詢頂層視窗。
* Given a particular context, find a child with the specified text.
* Typically this is used to locate a pushbutton with specific text
* on it, such as "OK" or "Cancel".
* @param parent The context from which the search is based, typically
* a top level window like a dialog box.
* @param text The text on the window being sought.
* @param ignoreCase <code> true </code> if the case of the text should not
* be taken into consideration.
* @param onlyImmediateChildren <code> true </code> if the search should be
* limited to only the children of the parent
* window and not recurse into the grandchildren .
* @return The control with the specified text or <code> null </code> if no
* child with the text is located.
public IWindow getChildWindowWithText(IWindow parent,
String text,
boolean ignoreCase,
boolean onlyImmediateChildren)
if ( text == null )
return null ;
IWindow[] children = ( parent != null ? parent.getChildren() : null );
int length = ( children != null ? children. length : 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
IWindow child = children[i];
String childText = child.getText();
if ( ( !ignoreCase && text.equals(childText) ) ||
( ignoreCase && text.equalsIgnoreCase(childText) ) )
return child;
if ( !onlyImmediateChildren )
IWindow grandchild = getChildWindowWithText(child, text, ignoreCase, onlyImmediateChildren);
if ( grandchild != null )
return grandchild;
return null ;
* Given a particular context, find a child with text that matches the
* specified regular expression pattern.
* Typically this is used to locate a pushbutton with specific text
* on it, such as "OK" or "Cancel" when the format of the text is not specific
* (for instance when the text equals " OK " instead of a simple "OK").
* @param parent The context from which the search is based, typically
* a top level window like a dialog box.
* @param pattern The pattern for the text on the window being sought.
* @param ignoreCase <code> true </code> if the case of the text should not
* be taken into consideration.
* @param onlyImmediateChildren <code> true </code> if the search should be
* limited to only the children of the parent
* window and not recurse into the grandchildren .
* @return The control with the specified text or <code> null </code> if no
* child with the text is located.
public IWindow getChildWindowWithTextPattern(IWindow parent,
String pattern,
boolean ignoreCase,
boolean onlyImmediateChildren)
Regex regex = ( ignoreCase ? new Regex(pattern, Regex. MATCH_CASEINDEPENDENT ) :
new Regex(pattern) );
IWindow[] children = ( parent != null ? parent.getChildren() : null );
int length = ( children != null ? children. length : 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
IWindow child = children[i];
String childText = child.getText();
if ( regex.matches(childText) )
return child;
if ( !onlyImmediateChildren )
IWindow grandchild = getChildWindowWithText(child, pattern, ignoreCase, false );
if ( grandchild != null )
return grandchild;
return null ;
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