Given an N*N matrix A, whose elements are either 0 or 1. A[i, j] means the number in the i-th row and j-th column. Initially we have A[i, j] = 0 (1 <= i, j <= N).
We can change the matrix in the following way. Given a rectangle whose upper-left corner is (x1, y1) and lower-right corner is (x2, y2), we change all the elements in the rectangle by using "not" operation (if it is a '0' then change it into '1' otherwise change it into '0'). To maintain the information of the matrix, you are asked to write a program to receive and execute two kinds of instructions. 1. C x1 y1 x2 y2 (1 <= x1 <= x2 <= n, 1 <= y1 <= y2 <= n) changes the matrix by using the rectangle whose upper-left corner is (x1, y1) and lower-right corner is (x2, y2). 2. Q x y (1 <= x, y <= n) querys A[x, y]. Input
The first line of the input is an integer X (X <= 10) representing the number of test cases. The following X blocks each represents a test case.
The first line of each block contains two numbers N and T (2 <= N <= 1000, 1 <= T <= 50000) representing the size of the matrix and the number of the instructions. The following T lines each represents an instruction having the format "Q x y" or "C x1 y1 x2 y2", which has been described above. Output
For each querying output one line, which has an integer representing A[x, y].
There is a blank line between every two continuous test cases. Sample Input 1 2 10 C 2 1 2 2 Q 2 2 C 2 1 2 1 Q 1 1 C 1 1 2 1 C 1 2 1 2 C 1 1 2 2 Q 1 1 C 1 1 2 1 Q 2 1 Sample Output 1 0 0 1 思路:二維樹狀陣列。 問題:一個由數字構成的大矩陣,能進行兩種操作 1) 對矩陣裡的某個數加上一個整數(可正可負) 2) 查詢某個子矩陣裡所有數字的和,要求對每次查詢,輸出結果。 一維樹狀陣列很容易擴充套件到二維,在二維情況下:陣列A[][]的樹狀陣列定義為: C[x][y] = ∑a[i][j], 其中, x-lowbit(x) + 1 <= i <= x, y-lowbit(y) + 1 <= j <= y. 例:舉個例子來看看C[][]的組成。 設原始二維陣列為: A[][]={{a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19}, {a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28,a29}, {a31,a32,a33,a34,a35,a36,a37,a38,a39}, {a41,a42,a43,a44,a45,a46,a47,a48,a49}}; 那麼它對應的二維樹狀陣列C[][]呢? 記: B[1]={a11,a11+a12,a13,a11+a12+a13+a14,a15,a15+a16,...} 這是第一行的一維樹狀陣列 B[2]={a21,a21+a22,a23,a21+a22+a23+a24,a25,a25+a26,...} 這是第二行的一維樹狀陣列 B[3]={a31,a31+a32,a33,a31+a32+a33+a34,a35,a35+a36,...} 這是第三行的一維樹狀陣列 B[4]={a41,a41+a42,a43,a41+a42+a43+a44,a45,a45+a46,...} 這是第四行的一維樹狀陣列 那麼: C[1][1]=a11,C[1][2]=a11+a12,C[1][3]=a13,C[1][4]=a11+a12+a13+a14,c[1][5]=a15,C[1][6]=a15+a16,... 這是A[][]第一行的一維樹狀陣列 C[2][1]=a11+a21,C[2][2]=a11+a12+a21+a22,C[2][3]=a13+a23,C[2][4]=a11+a12+a13+a14+a21+a22+a23+a24, C[2][5]=a15+a25,C[2][6]=a15+a16+a25+a26,... 這是A[][]陣列第一行與第二行相加後的樹狀陣列 C[3][1]=a31,C[3][2]=a31+a32,C[3][3]=a33,C[3][4]=a31+a32+a33+a34,C[3][5]=a35,C[3][6]=a35+a36,... 這是A[][]第三行的一維樹狀陣列 C[4][1]=a11+a21+a31+a41,C[4][2]=a11+a12+a21+a22+a31+a32+a41+a42,C[4][3]=a13+a23+a33+a43,... 這是A[][]陣列第一行+第二行+第三行+第四行後的樹狀陣列 搞清楚了二維樹狀陣列C[][]的規律了嗎? 仔細研究一下,會發現: (1)在二維情況下,如果修改了A[i][j]=delta,則對應的二維樹狀陣列更新函式為: (2)在二維情況下,求子矩陣元素之和∑ a[i][j](前i行和前j列)的函式為 轉化為樹狀陣列的方法便是:01矩陣初始化為0,對於置反操作,等價於將小矩形塊的四角置反(以此表示這四角代表的矩形塊被執行置反),於是我們對於置反操作,只操作四角的即可(可以累加操作次數,也可以單純的模擬置反操作,此時可利用bool陣列),然後對於詢問,只統計其左上方的矩陣元素的和(累加)奇偶情況,奇數說明最終置1,否則置0。注意修改函式add只是對於[i][j]以及其後的點起作用,而我們統計的時候顯然是不把自身統計在內的,所以對於子矩形塊終點[c][d],要分別++,這樣就可避免統計的時候把自己算在內 程式碼如下:
- 二維樹狀陣列陣列
- 【二維樹狀陣列】poj 2155 Matrix陣列
- poj 1195 二維樹狀陣列陣列
- 二維樹狀陣列--poj1195陣列
- POJ 1195 Mobile phones(二維樹狀陣列)陣列
- HDU 6274 Master of Sequence(思維+樹狀陣列+二分)AST陣列
- 樹狀陣列陣列
- hdu 4368 樹狀陣列 離線維護陣列
- 解析樹狀陣列陣列
- JavaSE 陣列:一維陣列&二維陣列Java陣列
- [php]運用變數引用實現一維陣列轉多維樹狀陣列PHP變數陣列
- 樹狀陣列詳解陣列
- 樹狀陣列基礎陣列
- poj 2481 樹狀陣列陣列
- hdu 3874 樹狀陣列陣列
- 二維陣列陣列
- js 一維陣列轉二維陣列JS陣列
- js 二維陣列轉一維陣列JS陣列
- PHP二維陣列轉一維陣列PHP陣列
- 洛谷題單指南-二叉堆與樹狀陣列-P3368 【模板】樹狀陣列 2陣列
- 利用一維陣列構造二叉樹陣列二叉樹
- POJ 2155-Matrix(二維樹狀陣列-區間修改 單點查詢)陣列
- 樹狀陣列模板題 & (樹狀陣列 1:單點修改,區間查詢)陣列
- PHP中二維陣列與多維陣列PHP陣列
- JavaScript --二維陣列查詢一維陣列JavaScript陣列
- 樹狀陣列和逆序對陣列
- hdu 5147 樹狀陣列陣列
- 【筆記/模板】樹狀陣列筆記陣列
- 樹狀陣列快速入門陣列
- vector 二維陣列陣列
- Java二維陣列Java陣列
- JavaScript二維陣列JavaScript陣列
- JavaScript 二維陣列JavaScript陣列
- 二維陣列排序陣列排序
- JavaScript二維陣列轉換成一維陣列JavaScript陣列
- POJ 1195-Mobile phones(二維樹狀陣列-區間更新區間查詢)陣列
- 樹狀陣列模板+習題集陣列
- 樹狀陣列3種基本操作陣列