TCL: LIST命令-lsearch, lsort, lrange
lsearch list pattern
lsort list
lrange list first last
set list [list {Washington 1789} {Adams 1797} {Jefferson 1801} \
{Madison 1809} {Monroe 1817} {Adams 1825} ]
set x [lsearch $list Washington*]
set y [lsearch $list Madison*]
incr x
incr y -1 ;# Set range to be not-inclusive
set subsetlist [lrange $list $x $y]
puts "The following presidents served between Washington and Madison"
foreach item $subsetlist {
puts "Starting in [lindex $item 1]: President [lindex $item 0] "
set x [lsearch $list Madison*]
set srtlist [lsort $list]
set y [lsearch $srtlist Madison*]
puts "\n$x Presidents came before Madison chronologically"
puts "$y Presidents came before Madison alphabetically"
The following presidents served between Washington and Madison
Starting in 1797: President Adams
Starting in 1801: President Jefferson
3 Presidents came before Madison chronologically
3 Presidents came before Madison alphabetically
1 list命令
語法: list ? value value...?
% list 1 2 {3 4}
1 2 {3 4}
語法:concat list ?list...?
3 lindex命令
語法:lindex list index
% lindex {1 2 {3 4}} 2
3 4
4 llength命令
語法:llength list
% llength {1 2 {3 4}}
5 linsert命令
語法:linsert list index value ?value...?
% linsert {1 2 {3 4}} 1 7 8 {9 10}
1 7 8 {9 10} 2 {3 4}
6 lreplace命令:
語法:lreplace list first last ?value value ...?
返回一個新串,新串是把list的第firs (0-based)t到第last 個(0-based)元素用所有的value引數替換得到的。如果沒有value引數,就表示刪除第first到第last個元素。例:
% lreplace {1 7 8 {9 10} 2 {3 4}} 3 3
1 7 8 2 {3 4}
% lreplace {1 7 8 2 {3 4}} 4 4 4 5 6
1 7 8 2 4 5 6
7 lrange 命令:
語法:lrange list first last
返回list的第first (0-based)到第last (0-based)元素組成的串,如果last的值是end。就是從第first個直到串的最後。
% lrange {1 7 8 2 4 5 6} 3 end
2 4 5 6
8 lappend命令:
語法:lappend varname value ?value...?
% lappend a 1 2 3
1 2 3
% set a
1 2 3
9 lsearch 命令:
語法:lsearch ?-exact? ?-glob? ?-regexp? list pattern
返回list中第一個匹配模式pattern的元素的索引,如果找不到匹配就返回-1。-exact、-glob、 -regexp是三種模式匹配的技術。-exact表示精確匹配;-glob的匹配方式和string match命令的匹配方式相同,將在後面第八節介紹string命令時介紹;-regexp表示正規表示式匹配,將在第八節介紹regexp命令時介紹。預設時使用-glob匹配。例:
% set a { how are you }
how are you
% lsearch $a y*
% lsearch $a y?
10 lsort命令:
語法:lsort ?options? list
-ascii 按ASCII字元的順序排序比較.這是預設情況。
-dictionary 按字典排序,與-ascii不同的地方是:
因此:bigBoy排在bigbang和bigboy之間, x10y 排在x9y和x11y之間.
-integer 把list的元素轉換成整數,按整數排序.
-real 把list的元素轉換成浮點數,按浮點數排序.
-increasing 升序(按ASCII字元比較)
-decreasing 降序(按ASCII字元比較)
-command command TCL自動利用command 命令把每兩個元素一一比較,然後給出排序結果。
11 split命令:
語法:split string ?splitChars?
% split "" .
how are you
% split "how are you"
how are you
% split "how are you" {}
h o w { } a r e { } y o u
12 join命令
語法:join list ?joinString?
% join {h o w { } a r e { } y o u} {}
how are you
% join {how are you} .
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