Welcome to Open Source & Drupal Camp Shanghai 2008
Welcome to Open Source & Drupal Camp Shanghai 2008!
OpenSourceCamp is delighted to invite you to attend the event 'Share OpenSource, What's the furture' taking place on May, 17th ShangHai.
What is Open Source Camp Shanghai?
Open Source Camp is an invitation-based and unconference event that brings together open source developer, geek, entrepreneurs, academics, venture capitalists, technology influencer and Media for an intense user-created conference about open source, emerging technology topics. It's organized by the community, for the community. The event combines, sharing, learning, networking, and fun. Participants, who are experts and innovators in their fields, are also the presenters. We suggest you to join as an individual to share your ideas here, communicate with each other. The goal is to boost tech community and innovation around the world.
上海 Open Source Camp 是什麼?
Open Source Camp 將開源技術愛好者、極客、創業者、學者、風險投資商、有影響力的技術高手,甚至媒體都聚集一起,在緊湊的會上大家廣泛討論開源文化與技術熱點一種活動形式。這樣的會議是由整個社群所有人一起參與組織的,為所有這些人準備的。與會者通常自由組隊討論,相互學習並分享、交際,同時享受其中的樂趣,他們中的專家與創新發起者同時也可能是主講人。我們希望大家以個人的身份(而非公司代表)會見其它參與者,表達個人看法,並與他們進行交流。會議的目的通常是推動社群內甚至全世界範圍內的技術創新。
What's DruaplCamp Shanghai?
Drupal Camp Shanghai is a volunteer-organized, peer taught, multi-track conference focused on the Drupal open source content management system. The event will bring experts and rookies alike from all facets of web communications including developers, information architects, designers and themers, as well as entrepreneurs, marketers, non-profit groups, and other users of Drupal.
OpenSourceCamp is delighted to invite you to attend the event 'Share OpenSource, What's the furture' taking place on May, 17th ShangHai.
What is Open Source Camp Shanghai?
Open Source Camp is an invitation-based and unconference event that brings together open source developer, geek, entrepreneurs, academics, venture capitalists, technology influencer and Media for an intense user-created conference about open source, emerging technology topics. It's organized by the community, for the community. The event combines, sharing, learning, networking, and fun. Participants, who are experts and innovators in their fields, are also the presenters. We suggest you to join as an individual to share your ideas here, communicate with each other. The goal is to boost tech community and innovation around the world.
上海 Open Source Camp 是什麼?
Open Source Camp 將開源技術愛好者、極客、創業者、學者、風險投資商、有影響力的技術高手,甚至媒體都聚集一起,在緊湊的會上大家廣泛討論開源文化與技術熱點一種活動形式。這樣的會議是由整個社群所有人一起參與組織的,為所有這些人準備的。與會者通常自由組隊討論,相互學習並分享、交際,同時享受其中的樂趣,他們中的專家與創新發起者同時也可能是主講人。我們希望大家以個人的身份(而非公司代表)會見其它參與者,表達個人看法,並與他們進行交流。會議的目的通常是推動社群內甚至全世界範圍內的技術創新。
What's DruaplCamp Shanghai?
Drupal Camp Shanghai is a volunteer-organized, peer taught, multi-track conference focused on the Drupal open source content management system. The event will bring experts and rookies alike from all facets of web communications including developers, information architects, designers and themers, as well as entrepreneurs, marketers, non-profit groups, and other users of Drupal.
上海 Drupal Camp 是什麼?
上海 Drupal Camp 是由志願者組織的,由與會者互相幫助,在多個分會場同時討論 Drupal 開源內容管理系統相關話題的聚會。活動將同時吸引網站設計開發方面的開發人員、資訊構架師、產品設計、介面美工中的專家與新手,同時也會融合入本地的創業者、營銷人員、非盈利性組織,以及其他 Drupal 愛好者。
Why are we doing a joint event?
To simply put it! Save time and energy. OSCamp is a format to let community meetup, it's the community of community , which is composed of technology evangelists who are also active in the open source community, Well, drupal is build on the concept that form open source software development it was more than logical to combined the two event and bring the two communities together. We hope this will be a foundation piece for many more open source collaboration between the various technologies and communities.
是為了讓事情簡單!我們們可以為大家節省出時間與精力。 OSCamp是社群之間進行交流的一種活動形式,它是社群中的社群,OSCamp的參與者是由活躍在開源社群的技術參與貢獻者組成,同時Drupal 是全部構建在開放原始碼的開發基礎上,所以將開源愛好者社群與 Drupal 愛好者社群聯絡起來是很自然的一件事。我們希望這會成為更多技術與社群間實現開源合作的榜樣與基石。
Day 1: OpenSource Camp Event 5.17 13:00 -- 19:00
Day 2: Druapl Camp Event 5.18 10:00 -- 18:00
第一天 OSCamp 活動 5.17 下午1點 --- 下午7點
第二天: Druapl Camp 活動 5.18 上午10點 --- 下午6點
How to Register?
1) If you want to attend OSCamp event just send an email to the following address:
This mail should contain:
* Your name
* Your email address
* Your website or blog (if you have any)
* Your interesting 3 tags(e.g. open source , climbing, networking)
* Your Recommended People
* Session(s) you'd like to lead
If you want to give a presentation at 8 minutes project show, please metioned in your email
2) If you want to attend DrupalCamp, please register here
1) 如果你想參加OSCamp 活動,請傳送郵件到一下地址,opensourcecamp<at>gmail.com
* 您的名字
* 您的郵件地址
* 您的網站或部落格地址(如果您有)
* 您感興趣的3個Tag(例如. open source , climbing, networking)
* 你的推薦人名字
* 你所想將的主題
2) 如果你想參加DrupalCamp 活動,請到這裡註冊
How Much
50 RMB per person (Includes cost share on venue, a t-shirt, in order to encouage more
girls to join open source, oscamp will give a special girl-edition t-shirt to open source girls,:) )
上海 Drupal Camp 是由志願者組織的,由與會者互相幫助,在多個分會場同時討論 Drupal 開源內容管理系統相關話題的聚會。活動將同時吸引網站設計開發方面的開發人員、資訊構架師、產品設計、介面美工中的專家與新手,同時也會融合入本地的創業者、營銷人員、非盈利性組織,以及其他 Drupal 愛好者。
Why are we doing a joint event?
To simply put it! Save time and energy. OSCamp is a format to let community meetup, it's the community of community , which is composed of technology evangelists who are also active in the open source community, Well, drupal is build on the concept that form open source software development it was more than logical to combined the two event and bring the two communities together. We hope this will be a foundation piece for many more open source collaboration between the various technologies and communities.
是為了讓事情簡單!我們們可以為大家節省出時間與精力。 OSCamp是社群之間進行交流的一種活動形式,它是社群中的社群,OSCamp的參與者是由活躍在開源社群的技術參與貢獻者組成,同時Drupal 是全部構建在開放原始碼的開發基礎上,所以將開源愛好者社群與 Drupal 愛好者社群聯絡起來是很自然的一件事。我們希望這會成為更多技術與社群間實現開源合作的榜樣與基石。
Day 1: OpenSource Camp Event 5.17 13:00 -- 19:00
Day 2: Druapl Camp Event 5.18 10:00 -- 18:00
第一天 OSCamp 活動 5.17 下午1點 --- 下午7點
第二天: Druapl Camp 活動 5.18 上午10點 --- 下午6點
How to Register?
1) If you want to attend OSCamp event just send an email to the following address:
This mail should contain:
* Your name
* Your email address
* Your website or blog (if you have any)
* Your interesting 3 tags(e.g. open source , climbing, networking)
* Your Recommended People
* Session(s) you'd like to lead
If you want to give a presentation at 8 minutes project show, please metioned in your email
2) If you want to attend DrupalCamp, please register here
1) 如果你想參加OSCamp 活動,請傳送郵件到一下地址,opensourcecamp<at>gmail.com
* 您的名字
* 您的郵件地址
* 您的網站或部落格地址(如果您有)
* 您感興趣的3個Tag(例如. open source , climbing, networking)
* 你的推薦人名字
* 你所想將的主題
2) 如果你想參加DrupalCamp 活動,請到這裡註冊
How Much
50 RMB per person (Includes cost share on venue, a t-shirt, in order to encouage more
girls to join open source, oscamp will give a special girl-edition t-shirt to open source girls,:) )
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