compile 'com.github.markzhai:blockcanary-android:1.5.0'
package com.huarenbang.zndc.utils;
import android.content.Context;
import com.github.moduth.blockcanary.BlockCanaryContext;
import com.github.moduth.blockcanary.internal.BlockInfo;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* author : lwp
* date :2018/8/30
* 檢測卡頓
public class AppBlockCanaryContext extends BlockCanaryContext {
* Implement in your project.
* @return Qualifier which can specify this installation, like version + flavor.
public String provideQualifier() {
return "unknown";
* Implement in your project.
* @return user id
public String provideUid() {
return "uid";
* Network type
* @return {@link String} like 2G, 3G, 4G, wifi, etc.
public String provideNetworkType() {
return "unknown";
* Config monitor duration, after this time BlockCanary will stop, use
* with {@code BlockCanary}'s isMonitorDurationEnd
* @return monitor last duration (in hour)
public int provideMonitorDuration() {
return -1;
* Config block threshold (in millis), dispatch over this duration is regarded as a BLOCK. You may set it
* from performance of device.
* @return threshold in mills
public int provideBlockThreshold() {
return 1000;
* Thread stack dump interval, use when block happens, BlockCanary will dump on main thread
* stack according to current sample cycle.
* <p>
* Because the implementation mechanism of Looper, real dump interval would be longer than
* the period specified here (especially when cpu is busier).
* </p>
* @return dump interval (in millis)
public int provideDumpInterval() {
return provideBlockThreshold();
* Path to save log, like "/blockcanary/", will save to sdcard if can.
* @return path of log files
public String providePath() {
return "/blockcanary/";
* If need notification to notice block.
* @return true if need, else if not need.
public boolean displayNotification() {
return true;
* Implement in your project, bundle files into a zip file.
* @param src files before compress
* @param dest files compressed
* @return true if compression is successful
public boolean zip(File[] src, File dest) {
return false;
* Implement in your project, bundled log files.
* @param zippedFile zipped file
public void upload(File zippedFile) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Packages that developer concern, by default it uses process name,
* put high priority one in pre-order.
* @return null if simply concern only package with process name.
public List<String> concernPackages() {
return null;
* Filter stack without any in concern package, used with @{code concernPackages}.
* @return true if filter, false it not.
public boolean filterNonConcernStack() {
return false;
* Provide white list, entry in white list will not be shown in ui list.
* @return return null if you don't need white-list filter.
public List<String> provideWhiteList() {
LinkedList<String> whiteList = new LinkedList<>();
return whiteList;
* Whether to delete files whose stack is in white list, used with white-list.
* @return true if delete, false it not.
public boolean deleteFilesInWhiteList() {
return true;
* Block interceptor, developer may provide their own actions.
public void onBlock(Context context, BlockInfo blockInfo) {
BlockCanary.install(this, new AppBlockCanaryContext()).start();
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