u-boot-2014.10移植第28天----nand flash啟動(六)
我本來是想修改arch/arm/lib/relocate.S檔案的,將nand flash中的映象拷貝到SDRAM中執行,但是發現,前面4K空間中有board_init_f的C語言函式,函式裡又有很多的庫函式,這樣一來牽扯的檔案就很多了,很可能無法將他們全部包含在前4K空間內。我在arch/arm/lib/relocate.S檔案中做的修改如下:
/* Check it's boot from SDRAM */
ldr r1, =__image_copy_start
cmp r1, r2
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2440
/* Check it's boot from Norflash or Nandflash:
* If it's boot from Nandflash on S3C24X0 CPU, then the 4K internal SRAM(iSRAM) will
* mapped to both address 0x4000003C and 0x0000003C. Read this start.S upside source
* code can see, the data in offset address 0x3C from the iSRAM should be 0xdeadbeef
* (.balignl 16,0xdeadbeef). So if it's boot from Nandflash, if we modify the address 0x4000003C
* value to 0; then 0x0000003C value should be 0. For they are both in the iSRAM;
* But if it's boot from Norflash, then the iSRAM is not mapped to 0x0000003C. So if modify address
* 0x4000003C(it's in iSRAM) value, the 0x0000003C(it's in Norflash) should be still 0xdeadbeef.
ldr r1, =((4<<28)|(3<<4)|(3<<2)) /* address of Internal SRAM 0x4000003C*/
mov r2, #0 /* r2 = 0 */
str r2, [r1]
mov r1, #0x3c /* address of men 0x0000003C*/
ldr r2, [r1]
cmp r2, #0
/* recovery address 0x0000003C date*/
ldr r2, =(0xdeadbeef)
ldr r1, =( (4<<28)|(3<<4)|(3<<2) )
str r2, [r1]
/* Read u-boot from Nandflash to SDRAM address r0 */
/* r0: nand_read_ll() 1st argument;
* r1: nand_read_ll() 2nd argument;
* r2: nand_read_ll() 3rd argument;
ldr r1, =__image_copy_start /* r1 <- SRC &__image_copy_start */
subs r4, r0, r1 /* r4 <- relocation offset */
beq relocate_done /* skip relocation */
ldr r3, =__rel_dyn_end /* r3 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_end */
subs r2, r3, r1 /* r2 = r3 - r1 <- u-boot length */
bl nand_read_ll
tst r0, #0x0 /*Check nand_read_ll() return value*/
bne infinite_loop /*nand_read_ll() not return 0, then goto dead loop*/
/*Then verify the read data validation*/
mov r0, #0 /* The first 4K data in internal SRAM*/
ldr r1, =__image_copy_start
add r1, r1, r4 /* The first 4K data read from Nandflash in SDRAM */
mov r2, #0x400 /*The compare data length*/
ldr r3, [r0], #4
ldr r5, [r1], #4
teq r3, r5
bne infinite_loop
subs r2, r2, #4
bne compare_next_byte
* fix .rel.dyn relocations
ldr r2, =__rel_dyn_start /* r2 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_start */
add r2, r2, r4 /* r2 = r2 + relocation offset */
ldr r3, =__rel_dyn_end /* r3 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_end */
add r3, r3, r4 /* r3 = r3 + relocation offset */
b fixloop
#define GPBDAT 0x56000014
ldr r2, =GPBDAT
ldr r3, [r2]
bic r3, r3, #0x100 /*Set bit 5 as low level, Turn On LED*/
str r3, [r2]
b infinite_loop
NORFLASH_BOOT: /* relocate U-Boot from Flash to RAM */
ldr r1, =__image_copy_start /* r1 <- SRC &__image_copy_start */
subs r4, r0, r1 /* r4 <- relocation offset */
beq relocate_done /* skip relocation */
ldr r2, =__image_copy_end /* r2 <- SRC &__image_copy_end */
ldmia r1!, {r10-r11} /* copy from source address [r1] */
stmia r0!, {r10-r11} /* copy to target address [r0] */
cmp r1, r2 /* until source end address [r2] */
blo copy_loop
* fix .rel.dyn relocations
ldr r2, =__rel_dyn_start /* r2 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_start */
ldr r3, =__rel_dyn_end /* r3 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_end */
ldmia r2!, {r0-r1} /* (r0,r1) <- (SRC location,fixup) */
and r1, r1, #0xff
cmp r1, #23 /* relative fixup? */
bne fixnext
/* relative fix: increase location by offset */
add r0, r0, r4
ldr r1, [r0]
add r1, r1, r4
str r1, [r0]
cmp r2, r3
blo fixloop
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