as 和 with的區別

as 與with 都可以構成結構來表示伴隨狀語,as 在此結構中是一個連詞,而with 是一個介詞,因此構成不同的結構來表示伴隨狀語:



  With +名,代詞 +介詞、形容詞,副詞,分詞,不定式

   eg.  As the production increased by 20 percent,we have had another good harvest year.

        With the production up by 20 percent,we have had ....


He enjoys listening to music with his eyes closed.

。 He came out of the room with his eyes shining. 他走出房間,眼裡閃著亮光。 Don't speak with your mouth full. 嘴裡吃東西時不要講話。 Mother looked at me with tears in her eyes. 母親含淚看著我。 with獨立結構的位置可前可後,如: With a lot of work to do,he felt even busier. 有大量工作要做,他感到更忙了。 With a lot of work done,he felt he would have a good rest. 做完了工作,他感到他要好好休息一下。