LeetCode 626. Exchange Seats
LeetCode 626. Exchange Seats
Mary is a teacher in a middle school and she has a table seat
storing students' names and their corresponding seat ids.
The column id is continuous increment.
Mary wants to change seats for the adjacent students.
Can you write a SQL query to output the result for Mary?
| id | student |
| 1 | Abbot |
| 2 | Doris |
| 3 | Emerson |
| 4 | Green |
| 5 | Jeames |
For the sample input, the output is:
| id | student |
| 1 | Doris |
| 2 | Abbot |
| 3 | Green |
| 4 | Emerson |
| 5 | Jeames |
If the number of students is odd, there is no need to change the last one's seat.
與其變換名稱,不如將id為2n變換為2n-1,2n-1變換為2n (n=1,2,3....)
最好講結果分成兩部分,一部分處理奇數id的變換 一部分處理偶數id的變化
SELECT tmp.id, tmp.student FROM
SELECT id-1 AS id, student FROM seat WHERE id%2 = 0 -- 偶數 id -1
SELECT id+1 AS id, student FROM seat WHERE id%2 = 1 -- 奇數 id +1
) tmp
ORDER BY tmp.id
SELECT tmp.id, tmp.student FROM
SELECT id-1 AS id, student FROM seat WHERE id%2 = 0 -- 偶數 id -1
WHEN id = max_id AND max_id%2 = 1 THEN id
ELSE id + 1 END -- 使用END 結束case
AS id,
FROM seat,(SELECT max(id) as max_id FROM seat) AS t_max_id -- 這裡實際上seat表和一個只有一個元組的seat最大臨時表做了笛卡兒積
WHERE id%2 = 1 -- 奇數 id +1
) tmp
ORDER BY tmp.id
這裡值得注意的是,若你是使用end case 結束case則會報錯
而實際上 MySQL 5.7 規定的標準格式為CASE...END CASE
詳見MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual - CASE Syntax
並且發在網上查閱資料的時候只見到了case... end 的寫法 沒有case... end case
難道是隻在begin ... end 內才這麼寫 case end 用於區分 不同的結束標誌嗎?
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