懂你英語 Level4-Unit 3 3/4 vocabulary 商品、服務和工作
Goods and services supply what people need or want. Goods are things such food and clothing. Services included things such as health care and police protection.
A country needs natural and human resources. Natural resources include fresh water supplies, farmland and energy sources such as oil and wind. Human resources includes a skilled workforce that can produce goods and services.
Once we had supplies of goods and services, they need to distribute throughout the country. Highways and railways are both way to transport thing from one part of country to another.
Electricity are distributed through a system of transmition lines.
We live in an age of advertising. Advertising lets people know about goods and services. It educates people about a product being advertised.
Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries. Exports are goods and services that are sold to another country. Imports are goods and services that are brought from other country. For example, many countries import oil from countries such as Saudi Arabia.
Employees are the people who work for a company. Some employees do basic work such as operating a machine or driving a track. People who hire and direct the work of other are managers.
Interview is one way to find out about a person who applies for a job. In an interview, the applicants can ask question about a company and company can find out about a person’s skills and experience.
An entrepreneur is someone who starts a company. Entrepreneurs often have new ideas and ways of doing things that can give company advantage.
Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company. If the salary and benefits are good enough, employees may take a job and stay with the company. Benefits includes vacation time, health insurance and bonuses for employees who do a good job.
When apply for job, it’s important to have skills and experience needed for the job. Developing and increasing skills and experience is good way to prepare for a job. Each job a person has is an opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills.
Advertises try to increase to the demand for a product or service.
Education and training are ways to develop a skilled workforce. unforeseen
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