Linux Note 3 20160715_2
vi, vim
vi is a very strong command line edit software.
vim was the advanced version of vi, adding the support of GUI.
Except vim, emacs is even stronger than vim.
vim + path
to use vim
three modes of vi
command mode
i : insert text at the cursor
o : insert a new line below the current one
dd : delete the whole row
yy : put the current row's content to the ram(copy the current line)
n+yy: put n rows' content to the ram(copy n lines)
p : paste
u : revoke the last manipulation
r : replace current character
/ : find key wordinsert mode
Esc : back to the command modeex mode
:w #save
: q #quit
:q! #force to quit
:set number #show the line number
:! system command # execute a system command
:sh #return to the command line and 'ctrl + d' can return to the vim
Basic concept of disc
- 柱面(cylinder)
立體,多碟片疊加的柱面圈 - 扇區(sector)
中心擴散出來的扇形 - 磁頭(head)
concept of partition
不同分割槽用: 裝置名稱 + 分割槽號 ,如sda1,sda2
Master Boot Record. Traditional one. Applied to most BIOS PC device.
- support 32bit and 64bit
- there is a limit for partition
- support no more than 2T hard disk.
MBR partition
- main partition
at most 4 - extended partition
take a place of the main partition.
can't be used. still need logical partition. - logical partition
can only be created by creating an extended partition first.
Linux can support at most 63 IDE partition and 15 SCSI partition.
A new one.
- support more than 2T
- compatible with MBR
- only can be used on the hardware that supports UEFI
- only 64bit
- Mac,Linux both support GPT
- Windows 7 64bit, windowsServer2008(win10,win8?)
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