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Ricequant - 量化交易平臺
況客 - 基於R語言量化回測平臺
Factors - 數庫多因子量化平臺


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TradeLink 量化交易平臺
ActiveQuant 基於JavaScript開源交易開發框架


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DigQuant - 提供基於matlab量化工具
SmartQuant - 策略交易平臺
OpenQuant - 基於C#的開源量化回測平臺


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Pandas - 資料分析包
Zipline - 一個Python的回測框架
vnpy - 基於python的開源交易平臺開發框架
tushare - 財經資料介面包
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QuantConnect/Lean - Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (C#, Python, F#, VB, Java)
QUANTAXIS - 量化金融策略框架


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MongoDB Blog - 用mongodb儲存時間序列資料
InfluxDB – Time-Series Data Storage | InfluxData - Go寫的分散式時間序列資料庫
OpenTSDB/opentsdb: A scalable, distributed Time Series Database. - 基於HBase的時間序列資料庫
kairosdb/kairosdb: Fast scalable time series database - 基於Cassandra的時間序列資料庫
SQLite Home Page



AQR - Alternative Investments
FOSS Trading - Forum
Traders Magazine: The stock dealers and institutional traders complete interactive news and information service
Implementing QuantLib
Coding the markets
Quant Mashup | Quantocracy
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Keplerian Finance - exploring the boundaries of quantitative finance
The Journal of Trading: Home
All things finance and technology…
Quant News
Quantitative Trading Strategies | Numerical Method Inc.
Nuclear Phynance
Elite Trader
Meb Faber Research - Stock Market and Investing Blog
Portfolio Workstation by Alpha Level
Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange
The mathematics of investing and markets • r/quantfinance
QuantNet Community
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH AND TRADING - The latest theories, models and investment strategies in quantitative research and trading
QUSMA - Quantitative Systematic Market Analysis
Quantitative Trading, Statistical Arbitrage, Machine Learning and Binary Options
Collective2 - The platform that connects investors with top-traders
Alvarez Quant Trading
The Marketplace For Algorithmic Trading Systems | Quantiacs
Quantitative Finance
Quantopian Lectures - Advancing Knowledge in Financial Planning
Forex Factory
The R Trader
How to be a Quant
scikit-learn: machine learning in PythonPaul WilmottThe Trend is your FriendPractical QuantJohn Mauldin’s Outside the BoxQuantum FinancierQuantified StrategiesBlackRock BlogQuant at Risk


量化交易 - 熱門問答 - 知乎
集思錄 - 低風險投資 - 集思錄
雪球 - 聰明的投資者都在這裡
myquant/strategy: 掘金策略集錦
botvs/strategies - 用Javascript or Python進行量化交易
統計之都 (Capital of Statistics)
寬客 (Quant) - 索引 - 知乎
股海泛舟 - 股海範舟


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Python | Codecademy
用 Python 玩轉資料 - 南京大學 | Coursera
Google 開源專案風格指南 (中文版)
Introduction to Data Science in Python - University of Michigan | Coursera
The Python Tutorial
Python for Finance
Algorithmic Thinking - Python 演算法思維訓練
Python Cookbook 3rd Edition Documentation

Python Extension Packages for Windows
awesome-python: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
pandas - Python做資料分析的基礎
pyql: Cython QuantLib wrappers
ffn - 績效評估
ta-lib: Python wrapper for TA-Lib ( - 技術指標
StatsModels: Statistics in Python — statsmodels documentation - 常用統計模型
arch: ARCH models in Python - 時間序列
pyfolio: Portfolio and risk analytics in Python - 組合風險評估
twosigma/flint: A Time Series Library for Apache Spark - Apache Spark上的時間序列庫



The Comprehensive R Archive Network - 從國內清華映象下載安裝RStudio - R的常用開發平臺下載


Free Introduction to R Programming Online Course - datacamp的線上學習R Programming - 約翰霍普金斯大學 | CourseraIntro to Computational Finance with R - 用R進行計算金融分析

CRAN Task View: Empirical Finance - CRAN官方的R金融相關包整理qinwf/awesome-R: A curated list of awesome R packages, frameworks and software. - R包的awesome



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fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. - C++庫整理rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp: A collection of resources on modern C++ - 現代C++庫整理QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative financelibtrading/libtrading: Libtrading, an ultra low-latency trading connectivity library for C and C++.



Learning Julia - 官方整理QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS with Julia - 經濟學諾獎獲得者Thomas Sargent教你Julia在量化經濟的應用。

Quantitative Finance in Julia - 多數為正在實現中,感興趣的可以參與


Stack OverflowSegmentFaultQuora
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Quant Books

《投資學》第6版[美]茲維·博迪.文字版 (link)
《開啟量化投資的黑箱》 裡什·納蘭《寬客》[美] 斯科特·帕特森(Scott Patterson) 著;譯科,盧開濟 譯《解讀量化投資:西蒙斯用公式打敗市場的故事》 忻海
《Trends in Quantitative Finance》 Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi, Petter N. Kolm
《統計套利》 安德魯·波爾《訊號與噪聲》納特•西爾弗
《量化投資—策略與技術》 丁鵬
《量化投資—以matlab為工具》 李洋faruto《量化投資策略:如何實現超額收益Alpha》 吳衝鋒
《中低頻量化交易策略研發(上)》 楊博理
《走出幻覺走向成熟》 金融帝國
《失控》凱文·凱利 《通往財務自由之路》範K撒普
《以交易為生》 埃爾德
《金融計量學:從初級到高階建模技術》 斯維特洛扎《投資革命》Bernstein
《富可敵國》Sebastian Mallaby
《聰明的投資者》 巴菲特《黑天鵝·如何應對不可知的未來》 納西姆·塔勒布
《期權、期貨和其他衍生品》 約翰·赫爾《Building Reliable Trading Systems: Tradable Strategies That Perform As They Backtest and Meet Your Risk-Reward Goals》 Keith Fitschen
《Quantitative Equity Investing》by Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi, Petter N. Kolm
Barra USE3 handbook
《Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management》 Ludwig Chincarini
《Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management》 Qian & Hua & Sorensen

Quant Papers

Machine Learning Related

Cavalcante, Rodolfo C., et al. “Computational Intelligence and Financial Markets: A Survey and Future Directions.” Expert Systems with Applications 55 (2016): 194-211.(link)

Low Frequency Prediction

Atsalakis G S, Valavanis K P. Surveying stock market forecasting techniques Part II: Soft computing methods. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36(3):5932–5941. (link)

Cai X, Lin X. Feature Extraction Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Stock Price Predic- tion. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2012. 80–83.(link)

Nair B B, Dharini N M, Mohandas V P. A stock market trend prediction system using a hybrid decision tree-neuro-fuzzy system. Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom 2010, 2010. 381–385. (link)

Lu C J, Lee T S, Chiu C C. Financial time series forecasting using independent component analysis and support vector regression. Decision Support Systems, 2009, 47(2):115–125. (link)

Creamer G, Freund Y. Automated trading with boosting and expert weighting. Quantitative Finance, 2010, 10(4):401–420. (link)

Batres-Estrada, Bilberto. “Deep learning for multivariate financial time series.” (2015). (link)

Xiong, Ruoxuan, Eric P. Nicholas, and Yuan Shen. “Deep Learning Stock Volatilities with Google Domestic Trends.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.04916 (2015).(link)

Sharang, Abhijit, and Chetan Rao. “Using machine learning for medium frequency derivative portfolio trading.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.06228 (2015).(link)

Reinforcement Learning

Dempster, Michael AH, and Vasco Leemans. “An automated FX trading system using adaptive reinforcement learning.” Expert Systems with Applications 30.3 (2006): 543-552. (link)

Tan, Zhiyong, Chai Quek, and Philip YK Cheng. “Stock trading with cycles: A financial application of ANFIS and reinforcement learning.” Expert Systems with Applications 38.5 (2011): 4741-4755. (link)

Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas, and Tomas Ramanauskas. “Building an artificial stock market populated by reinforcement‐learning agents.” Journal of Business Economics and Management 10.4 (2009): 329-341.(link)

Deng, Yue, et al. “Deep Direct Reinforcement Learning for Financial Signal Representation and Trading.” (2016).(link)

Natual Language Processing Related

Bollen J, Mao H, Zeng X. Twitter mood predicts the stock market. Journal of Computational Science, 2011, 2(1):1–8. (link)

Preis T, Moat H S, Stanley H E, et al. Quantifying trading behavior in financial markets using Google Trends. Scientific reports, 2013, 3:1684. (link)

Moat H S, Curme C, Avakian A, et al. Quantifying Wikipedia Usage Patterns Before Stock Market Moves. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3:1–5. (link)

Ding, Xiao, et al. “Deep learning for event-driven stock prediction.” Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICJAI’15). 2015. (link)

Fehrer, R., & Feuerriegel, S. (2015). Improving Decision Analytics with Deep Learning: The Case of Financial Disclosures. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01993. (link)

High Frequency Trading

Nevmyvaka Y, Feng Y, Kearns M. Reinforcement learning for optimized trade execution. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning ICML 06, 2006, 17(1):673–680. (link)

Ganchev K, Nevmyvaka Y, Kearns M, et al. Censored exploration and the dark pool problem. Communications of the ACM, 2010, 53(5):99. (link)

Kearns M, Nevmyvaka Y. Machine learning for market microstructure and high frequency trading. High frequency trading - New realities for traders, markets and regulators, 2013. 1–21. (link)

Sirignano, Justin A. “Deep Learning for Limit Order Books.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.01987 (2016). (link)

Deng, Yue, et al. “Sparse coding-inspired optimal trading system for HFT industry.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11.2 (2015): 467-475.(link)

Ahuja, Saran, et al. “Limit order trading with a mean reverting reference price.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.00454 (2016). (link)

Aït-Sahalia, Yacine, and Jean Jacod. “Analyzing the spectrum of asset returns: Jump and volatility components in high frequency data.” Journal of Economic Literature 50.4 (2012): 1007-1050. (link)

Portfolio Management

B. Li and S. C. H. Hoi, “Online portfolio selection,” ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 1–36, 2014. (link)

Heaton, J. B., Polson, N. G., & Witte, J. H. (2016). Deep Portfolio Theory. (link)

Eugene F. Fama, Kenneth R. French. The cross-section of expected stock returns. Journal of Finance, 47 (1992), pp. 427–465.


Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial Economics
Review of Financial Studies
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Review of Accounting Studies
Journal of Accounting Research
Accounting Review
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Financial Analysts Journal
Financial Management
Journal of Empirical Finance
Quantitative Finance
Journal of Alternative Investments
Journal of Fixed Income
Journal of Investing
Journal of Portfolio Management
Journal of Trading
Review of Asset Pricing Studies
