




--[936, 2000, 0, 936, 2000, 0, -1, 2000, 0]
select *
  from (select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(936, 2000, 0)) f
                 where h.appsysid = f.appsysid
                   and h.appdeptid = f.appdeptid)
        select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(936, 2000, 0)) g
                 where g.appsysid = e.owner_appsysid
                   and g.appdeptid = e.owner_appdeptid)) t
 where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
          from table(get_subdept(-1, 2000, 0)) g
         where g.appsysid = t.appsysid
           and g.appdeptid = t.appdeptid)
 order by t.updatetimeorder desc, t.hostno


--[936, 2000, 0, 936, 2000, 0, 2000, 0]
select *
  from (select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(936, 2000, 0)) f
                 where h.appsysid = f.appsysid
                   and h.appdeptid = f.appdeptid)
        select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(936, 2000, 0)) g
                 where g.appsysid = e.owner_appsysid
                   and g.appdeptid = e.owner_appdeptid)) t
 where t.appsysid = 2000
   and t.appdeptid = 0
 order by t.updatetimeorder desc, t.hostno



--[8196, 23551, 3, 8196, 23551, 3, -1, 23551, 3]
select *
  from (select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(8196, 23551, 3)) f
                 where h.appsysid = f.appsysid
                   and h.appdeptid = f.appdeptid)
        select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(8196, 23551, 3)) g
                 where g.appsysid = e.owner_appsysid
                   and g.appdeptid = e.owner_appdeptid)) t
 where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
          from table(get_subdept(-1, 23551, 3)) g
         where g.appsysid = t.appsysid
           and g.appdeptid = t.appdeptid)
 order by t.updatetimeorder desc, t.hostno


--[8196, 23551, 3, 8196, 23551, 3, 23551, 3]
select *
  from (select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(8196, 23551, 3)) f
                 where h.appsysid = f.appsysid
                   and h.appdeptid = f.appdeptid)
        select h.hostid,
               e.verify_status as verifyStatus,
               e.host_brand as hostBrand,
               d.full_name as usefullname,
               o.full_name as ownfullname,
               e.displacement_type as displacementType,
               e.asset_attribute as assetAttribute,
               e.purchase_type as purchaseType,
               to_char(e.purchase_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as purchaseDate,
               e.usage_property as usageProperty,
               e.host_purpose as hostPurpose,
               e.host_veh_type as hostVehType,
               e.host_price_with_tax as hostPriceWithTax,
               e.host_price as hostPrice,
               e.host_tax as hostTax,
               h.original_mile as originalMile,
               e.engine_id as engineId,
               e.host_vin as hostVin,
               e.allot_type as allotType,
               to_char(e.allot_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as allotDate,
               e.service_object as serviceObject,
               e.keeper as kepper,
               e.keeper_phone as kepperPhone,
               e.owner_appsysid as ownerAppSysId,
               e.owner_appdeptid as ownerAppDeptId,
               e.fixed_asset_id as fixedAssetId,
               e.host_tag_flag as hostTagFlag,
               e.process_status as processStatus,
               e.oil_type as oilType,
               h.hostno_color as hostNoColor,
               e.host_color as hostColor,
               e.rated_kg as ratedKg,
               e.CREATE_USER_ID as CREATEUSERID,
               h.UPDATESTATUSTIME as updatetimeorder,
               e.veh_kg as vehKg,
               e.tyre_size as tyreSize,
               e.rated_passenger as ratedPassenger,
               h.CREATUSERID as basecrtuser,
               e.CREATE_USER_NAME as createUserName,
               e.CREATE_TIME as createTime,
               e.UPDATE_USER_NAME as updateUserName,
               e.UPDATE_TIME as updateTime,
               d.DEPT_HIERARCHY as uselevel,
               d.DEPT_PROPERTY as useprop,
               o.DEPT_HIERARCHY as ownLevel,
               o.DEPT_PROPERTY as ownProp,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DEPTID as drivingLicenseDeptId,
               e.DRIVING_LICENSE_SYSID as drivingLicenseSysId,
               to_char(e.DRIVING_LICENSE_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as drivingLicenseDate,
               e.STATE_OF_ORIGIN as stateOfOrigin,
               e.HAS_PASSPORT as hasPassport,
               e.HAS_ETC as hasETC,
               to_char(e.ANNUAL_SURVEY_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as annualSurveyDate,
               e.UPDATE_RECORDS as updateRecords,
               e.VEHICLENO as vehicleNo,
               e.VEHICLE_MODEL as vehicleModel,
               e.VEHICLE_BRAND as vehicleBrand
          from position_host_info h
          left join position_host_info_extend e
            on h.hostid = e.hostid
          left join appdeptinfo d
            on h.appsysid = d.appsysid
           and h.appdeptid = d.appdeptid
          left join appdeptinfo o
            on e.owner_appsysid = o.appsysid
           and e.owner_appdeptid = o.appdeptid
         where exists (select appsysid, appdeptid
                  from table(get_subdept(8196, 23551, 3)) g
                 where g.appsysid = e.owner_appsysid
                   and g.appdeptid = e.owner_appdeptid)) t
 where t.appsysid = 23551
   and t.appdeptid = 3
 order by t.updatetimeorder desc, t.hostno
