Poechant 解決 MS Office:the setup controller has encountered a problem during install


開啟OFFICE word2007和OFFICE word2010,提示:

the setup controller has encountered a problem during install. Please review the log files for further informatin on the error.

點確定仍能正常執行Word,EXCEL則沒有出現該提示,網路上的解決辦法如下:刪除OfficeSetup Controllerm目錄

office 2007對應目錄C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller

office 2000對應目錄C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\Office Setup Controller

那麼Office Setup Controller目錄有什麼作用?刪除後對OFFCIE程式是否有影響呢?
微軟對於Office Setup Controller目錄的說明:

The Office Setup Controller manages the overall 2007 Office system installation experience. It is responsible for making sure that the local installation source is present and complete. After verifying that each computer has been properly prepared, the Setup engine installs and configures the chosen programs. Changes are made to both the file system and the registry by using the underlying Windows Installer technology, which helps ensure maximum compatibility and robustness for all users.

office安裝控制器,管理安裝相關的工作,確保安裝源存在並完整,比如發現你的序列號不對讓你重新輸入。確認每個計算機已經準備妥善,安裝引擎開始安裝、配置相關選項。所以刪除Office Setup Controller目錄不影響OFFICE工作。
