Java API 彙總(未完待續)

static int		Math.abs(int);			the absolute value
static long		Math.abs(long);			the absolute value
static float		Math.abs(float);		the absolute value
static double		Math.abs(double);		the absolute value
static double		Math.cos(double);		the cosine value, the argument is a radian value
static double		Math.sin(double);		the sine value, the argument is a radian value
static double		Math.tan(double);		the tangent value, the argment is a radian value
static double		Math.log(double);		the natural logarithm value
static double		Math.exp(double);		the exponential value
static double		Math.log10(double);		the base 10 logarithm value
static double		Math.pow(double);		the power value
static int		Math.min(int, int);		the minimum value
static long		Math.min(long, long);		the minimum value
static float		Math.min(float, float);		the minimum value
static double		Math.min(double, double);	the minimum value
static int		Math.max(int, int);		the maximum value
static long		Math.max(long, long);		the maximum value
static float		Math.max(float, float);		the maximum value
static double		Math.max(double, double);	the maximum value
static double		Math.random();			a random double value between 0 and 1
static long		Math.round(double);		the round value of a double value
static int		Math.round(float);		the round value of a double value
static double		Math.sqrt(double);		the square value
constructor Byte	Byte(byte);
byte			byteValue();			the byte value
int			intValue();			the int value
long			longValue();			the long value
float			floatValue();			the float value
double			doubleValue();			the double value
static byte		Byte.parseByte(String);		the byte value of the String
byte			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
Integer			Integer(int);
byte			byteValue();			the byte value
int			intValue();			the int value
long			longValue();			the long value
float			floatValue();			the float value
double			doubleValue();			the double value
static int		Integer.parseInt(String);	the int value of the String
int			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Long	Long(long);
byte			byteValue();			the byte value
int			intValue();			the int value
long			longValue();			the long value
float			floatValue();			the float value
double			doubleValue();			the double value
static long		Long.parseLong(String);
long			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Float	Float(float);
byte			byteValue();			the byte value
int			intValue();			the int value
long			longValue();			the long value
float			floatValue();			the float value
double			doubleValue();			the double value
static float		Float.parseFloat(String);
float			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Double	Double(double);
byte			byteValue();			the byte value
int			intValue();			the int value
long			longValue();			the long value
float			floatValue();			the float value
double			doubleValue();			the double value
static double		Double.parseDouble(String);
double			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Short	Short(short);
short			shortValue();
static short		Short.parseShort(String);
short			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Boolean	Boolean(boolean);
boolean			booleanValue();
static boolean		Boolean.parseBoolean(String);
boolean			valueOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor Character	Character(char);
char			charOf(String);
String			toString();
constructor BigDecimal	BigDecimal(int);
constructor BigDecimal	BigDecimal(long);
constructor BigDecimal	BigDecimal(float);
constructor BigDecimal	BigDecimal(double);
constructor BigDecimal	BigDecimal(String);
int			intValue();
long			longValue();
float			floatValue();
double			doubleValue();
String			toString();
BigDecimal		add(BigDecimal);
BigDecimal		subtract(BigDecimal);
BigDecimal		multiply(BigDecimal);
BigDecimal		divide(BigDecimal);
static String		NumberFormat.format(int);
static String		NumberFormat.format(long);
static String		NumberFormat.format(float);
static String		NumberFormat.format(double);
static String		NumberFormat.format(long);
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(java.util.Locale);
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(java.util.Locale);
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
static NumberFormat	NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(java.util.Locale);
static void		NumberFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(int);
static void		NumberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(int);
-java.text.DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
How to use "000,000"?
How to use "#"?
static Locale		CANADA
static Locale		CHINA
static Locale		FRANCE
static Locale		GERMANY
static Locale		ITALY
static Locale		JAPAN
static Locale		KOREA
static Locale		PRC
static Locale		TAIWAN
static Locale		UK
static Locale		US
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------java.util.Scannerconstructor Scanner(InputStream)boolean hasNext()String next()static Integer parseInt(String)static Long parseLong(String)static Double parseDouble(String)
