Nginx原始碼完全註釋(4)ngx_queue.h / ngx_queue.c


Nginx原始碼完全註釋(4)ngx_queue.h / ngx_queue.c

  • 作者:柳大·Poechant(鍾超)
  • 郵箱 -> @)
  • 部落格
  • 日期:August 17th, 2012

Nginx 中的佇列是有頭的,頭節點和佇列中的節點都是 ngx_queue_t。頭節點不用於儲存資料,資料是從頭節點的 next 節點開始儲存的。


#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>


typedef struct ngx_queue_s  ngx_queue_t;

// 佇列的節點,也直接表示佇列。注意這是一個雙向迴圈佇列
struct ngx_queue_s {
    ngx_queue_t  *prev;
    ngx_queue_t  *next;

// 初始化佇列 q 所指向的指標,prev 和 next 都是自己
#define ngx_queue_init(q)                                                     \
    (q)->prev = q;                                                            \
    (q)->next = q

// 如果表 h == h 的上一個,那麼就是一個空佇列,其實用 next 也可以的
#define ngx_queue_empty(h)                                                    \
    (h == (h)->prev)

// 向 h 後面插入一個 x
#define ngx_queue_insert_head(h, x)                                           \
    (x)->next = (h)->next;                                                    \
    (x)->next->prev = x;                                                      \
    (x)->prev = h;                                                            \
    (h)->next = x

// 在後面插入 insert after,就是 insert head
#define ngx_queue_insert_after   ngx_queue_insert_head

// 向 h 前面插入一個 x
#define ngx_queue_insert_tail(h, x)                                           \
    (x)->prev = (h)->prev;                                                    \
    (x)->prev->next = x;                                                      \
    (x)->next = h;                                                            \
    (h)->prev = x

// h 表示佇列,第一個元素為 h->next
#define ngx_queue_head(h)                                                     \

// h 是頭,h 的上一個就是尾
#define ngx_queue_last(h)                                                     \

#define ngx_queue_sentinel(h)                                                 \

// 返回節點 q 的下一個
#define ngx_queue_next(q)                                                     \

// 返回節點 q 的上一個
#define ngx_queue_prev(q)                                                     \


// debug 模式下要把 x 的 prev、next 成員置為 0,release 版可以省去此兩句
#define ngx_queue_remove(x)                                                   \
    (x)->next->prev = (x)->prev;                                              \
    (x)->prev->next = (x)->next;                                              \
    (x)->prev = NULL;                                                         \
    (x)->next = NULL


// 刪除一個節點
#define ngx_queue_remove(x)                                                   \
    (x)->next->prev = (x)->prev;                                              \
    (x)->prev->next = (x)->next


// split 作用如下圖所示:
//  ________________________________________________
//  ||--------------------------------------------||
//  ||                                            ||
// |---| => |---| => … => |---| => |---| => … => |---|   |---|
// | h |    |   |         | q |    |   |         |   |   | n |
// |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---|   |---|
//  __________________________      __________________________________
//  ||----------------------||      ||------------------------------||
//  ||                      ||      ||                              ||
// |---| => |---| => … => |---|    |---| => |---| => … => |---| => |---|
// | h |    |   |         |   |    | q |    |   |         |   |    | n |
// |---| <= |---| <= … => |---|    |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---| <= |---|
#define ngx_queue_split(h, q, n)                                              \
    (n)->prev = (h)->prev;                                                    \
    (n)->prev->next = n;                                                      \
    (n)->next = q;                                                            \
    (h)->prev = (q)->prev;                                                    \
    (h)->prev->next = h;                                                      \
    (q)->prev = n;

// 將 n 代表的佇列(n 為佇列頭)接到 h 表示的佇列後面
//  _________________________      _________________________
//  ||---------------------||      ||---------------------||
//  ||                     ||      ||                     ||
// |---| => |---| => … => |---|   |---| => |---| => … => |---|
// | h |    |   |         |   |   | n |    |n1 |         |   |
// |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---|   |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---|
//  ________________________________________________________
//  ||----------------------------------------------------||
//  ||                                                    ||
// |---| => |---| => … => |---| =========> |---| => … => |---|
// | h |    |   |         |   |            |n1 |         |   |
// |---| <= |---| <= … <= |---| <========= |---| <= … <= |---|
#define ngx_queue_add(h, n)                                                   \
    (h)->prev->next = (n)->next;                                              \
    (n)->next->prev = (h)->prev;                                              \
    (h)->prev = (n)->prev;                                                    \
    (h)->prev->next = h;

// 一般type如下:
// typedef struct {
//    …
//    LINK q
// } TYPE
// 所以這個巨集可以通過 q 找到其所在的結構體 TYPE 變數的地址
#define ngx_queue_data(q, type, link)                                         \
    (type *) ((u_char *) q - offsetof(type, link))

ngx_queue_t *ngx_queue_middle(ngx_queue_t *queue);

void ngx_queue_sort(ngx_queue_t *queue,
    ngx_int_t (*cmp)(const ngx_queue_t *, const ngx_queue_t *));

#endif /* _NGX_QUEUE_H_INCLUDED_ */


#include <ngx_config h=""><span class="preprocessor" style="color: rgb(136, 0, 0); ">#include </span><ngx_core h=""><span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">/*
 * find the middle queue element if the queue has odd number of elements
 * or the first element of the queue's second part otherwise

<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">//</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 這是用兩個指標來找連結串列中點的典型應用,在很多技巧性問答中常出現。</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">//</span>
ngx_queue_t *
ngx_queue_middle(ngx_queue_t *<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>)
    ngx_queue_t  *middle, *next;

    <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// middle 從第一個節點開始</span>
    middle = ngx_queue_head(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>);

    <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 如果佇列只有一個節點,或者為空</span>
    <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">if</span> (middle == ngx_queue_last(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>)) {
        <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">return</span> middle;

    <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// next 也從第一個節點開始</span>
    next = ngx_queue_head(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>);

    <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">for</span> ( ;; ) {
        middle = ngx_queue_next(middle);

        next = ngx_queue_next(next);

        <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 偶數個的情況是在這裡返回</span>
        <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">if</span> (next == ngx_queue_last(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>)) {
            <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">return</span> middle;

        next = ngx_queue_next(next);

        <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 奇數個是在這裡返回</span>
        <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">if</span> (next == ngx_queue_last(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>)) {
            <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">return</span> middle;

<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">/* the stable insertion sort */</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">//</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 這是一個穩定就地排序(Stable In-place Sorting)。演算法的三個效能指標(時間複雜度,空間複雜度,穩定性)</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 相比之下,quick sort 和 merge sort 更快。但 quick sort 是非穩定的,merge sort 使用 O(n) 額外空間</span>
<span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">//</span>
<span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">void</span>
ngx_queue_sort(ngx_queue_t *<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>,
    ngx_int_t (*cmp)(<span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">const</span> ngx_queue_t *, <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">const</span> ngx_queue_t *))
    ngx_queue_t  *q, *prev, *next;

    q = ngx_queue_head(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>);

    <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 空佇列</span>
    <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">if</span> (q == ngx_queue_last(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>)) {
        <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">return</span>;

    <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">for</span> (q = ngx_queue_next(q); q != ngx_queue_sentinel(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>); q = next) {

        prev = ngx_queue_prev(q);
        next = ngx_queue_next(q);


        <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 在已排好序的節點中,向前找比 q 的內容小的。比較的標準由 cmp 確定</span>
        <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">do</span> {
            <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">if</span> (cmp(prev, q) &lt;= <span class="number" style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0); ">0</span>) {
                <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">break</span>;

            prev = ngx_queue_prev(prev);

        } <span class="keyword" style="font-weight: bold; ">while</span> (prev != ngx_queue_sentinel(<span class="built_in" style="font-weight: bold; ">queue</span>));

        <span class="comment" style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); ">// 找到 prev 是比 q 的內容小的,在 prev 後面插入</span>
        ngx_queue_insert_after(prev, q);

從上面可以看出,create 是從 pool 分配定義 list 結構的記憶體,分配表頭節點的記憶體。init 是初始化已有的 list。


  1. 非傳統的穩定插入排序和就地歸併排序
  2. 阿牛的爸爸的部落格-Nginx佇列原始碼分析





