

1. Margo votes Democratic and once painted her dining room wall whorehouse-red “just because .”


(點評: 這是一種故意的以偏概全修辭手段。 典型的把某一類人或事物臉譜化"stereotyped"。 )

2. I've been sad to see the revival of “mom jeans ,”those disasters in denim with the nine-inch zippers and waistlines that threaten to crawl all the way up to your armpit.


(點評: 我完全贊同老年人儘量避免牛仔服裝。那是年輕人的專屬時裝。 只有青春的酮體才撐得起牛仔服裝的時尚內涵。)

3. Mom jeans are the perfect storm of bad design: they broaden hips, flatten the butt, and taper in a ghastly fashion at the ankle . Extreme mom jeans even come in odious pale blue washes and feature an elastic waist that tells the world : "Why, as a matter of fact, my idea of a good time is dinner at the Cracker Barrel at four P.M. followed  by a Murder, She Wrote Marathon on TNT ."

大媽牛仔褲是糟糕設計之完美風暴:它們使臀寬變大,把臀肌壓扁,以難看的線條一路收窄到腳踝。走極端的大媽牛仔褲還用的是難看死的淺藍水洗布,腰圍用的是鬆緊帶,彷彿是在向全世界宣佈:“喂,實際上, 我認為的快樂好時光,就是下午四點鐘開始在'餅乾桶'餐廳吃晚餐,緊跟著就是馬拉松式地追看特納電視網的連續劇《女作家與謀殺案》。”

(點評: 鬆緊帶能絞死任何時尚。)

4. Face it-when you're wearing hand-knit sparrows on your chest and mom jeans , the message is clear : you've officially stopped trying.


