Algorithm 04 : 尋找兩個有序陣列中的第N個數,要求時間複雜度為O(logm+logn)
Question : Give a divide and conquer algorithm for the following problem : you are
given two sorted lists of size m and n, and are allowed unit time access
to the ith element of each list. Given an O(logm+logn) time algorithm for
computing the kth largest element in the union of the two lists.
(For simplicity, you can assume that the elements of the two lists are
given two sorted lists of size m and n, and are allowed unit time access
to the ith element of each list. Given an O(logm+logn) time algorithm for
computing the kth largest element in the union of the two lists.
(For simplicity, you can assume that the elements of the two lists are
* @author YuHuang
* @vision 2011-10-04
* This program is only for algorithm training.
import java.lang.RuntimeException;
public class SearchKthNumber {
private int[] aArray;
private int[] bArray;
public SearchKthNumber(int[] aArray,int[] bArray){
throw new RuntimeException("Array should not be null!");
public int doSearch(int aLeft,int aRight,int bLeft,int bRight,int k){
int aMiddle = (aLeft+aRight)/2;
int bMiddle = (bLeft+bRight)/2;
return bArray[bLeft+k-1];
return aArray[aLeft+k-1];
return doSearch(aLeft,aMiddle-1,bLeft,bRight,k);
return doSearch(aLeft,aRight,bMiddle+1,bRight,k-(bMiddle-bLeft)-1);
return doSearch(aLeft,aRight,bLeft,bMiddle-1,k);
return doSearch(aMiddle+1,aRight,bLeft,bRight,k-(aMiddle-aLeft)-1);
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] aArray=new int[]{1,3,5,6,8,9,11,18,20};
int[] bArray=new int[]{2,4,7,16,22,29,39,40,55,100};
SearchKthNumber sn=new SearchKthNumber(aArray,bArray);
int k=2;
int result=sn.doSearch(0,aArray.length-1,0,bArray.length-1,k);
System.out.println("The "+k+"th"+" Number : "+result);
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