Matlab & C++ 混合程式設計mex檔案的編寫與除錯
mex 函式的編寫關鍵在於入口函式及返回值。所有引數均通過指標傳遞。cpp檔名即為Matlab呼叫的函式名。cpp檔案需要
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
// nlhs:輸出引數個數
// plhs:輸出引數列表
// nrhs:輸入引數個數
// prhs:輸入引數列表
double *pint= (double*)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
int a = (int)pint[0];
這樣即可將第一個變數以 int 型傳入到num_vertices 變數。
if (nrhs != 3)
mexErrMsgTxt( "引數錯誤!請檢查引數個數" );
- 首先用傳出引數列表plhs申請空間,如
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(u->num, 1, mxREAL);
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(u->num, 1, mxREAL);
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(u->num, 1, mxREAL);
- 隨後取得以上引數的地址,如
double* a=(double *)mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
double* b=(double *)mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
double* c=(double *)mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
在Matlab中 mex xxx.cpp 即可。
mwIndex (C and Fortran) | Type for index values |
mwPointer (Fortran) | Pointer type for platform |
mwSignedIndex (C and Fortran) | Signed integer type for size values |
mwSize (C and Fortran) | Type for size values |
mxAddField (C and Fortran) | Field to structure array |
mxArray (C and Fortran) | Type for MATLAB array |
mxArrayToString (C) | Convert array to string |
mxAssert (C) | Check assertion value for debugging purposes |
mxAssertS (C) | Check assertion value without printing assertion text |
mxCalcSingleSubscript (C and Fortran) | Offset from first element to desired element |
mxCalloc (C and Fortran) | Allocate dynamic memory for array using MATLAB memory manager |
mxChar (C) | Type for string array |
mxClassID (C) | Enumerated value identifying class of array |
mxClassIDFromClassName (Fortran) | Identifier corresponding to class |
mxComplexity (C) | Flag specifying whether array has imaginary components |
mxCopyCharacterToPtr (Fortran) | CHARACTER values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyComplex16ToPtr (Fortran) | COMPLEX*16 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyComplex8ToPtr (Fortran) | COMPLEX*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyInteger1ToPtr (Fortran) | INTEGER*1 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyInteger2ToPtr (Fortran) | INTEGER*2 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyInteger4ToPtr (Fortran) | INTEGER*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyPtrToCharacter (Fortran) | CHARACTER values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToComplex16 (Fortran) | COMPLEX*16 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToComplex8 (Fortran) | COMPLEX*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToInteger1 (Fortran) | INTEGER*1 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToInteger2 (Fortran) | INTEGER*2 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToInteger4 (Fortran) | INTEGER*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToPtrArray (Fortran) | Pointer values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToReal4 (Fortran) | REAL*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyPtrToReal8 (Fortran) | REAL*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array |
mxCopyReal4ToPtr (Fortran) | REAL*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCopyReal8ToPtr (Fortran) | REAL*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array |
mxCreateCellArray (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated N-D cell array |
mxCreateCellMatrix (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated 2-D cell array |
mxCreateCharArray (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated N-D string array |
mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings (C and Fortran) | Create populated 2-D string array |
mxCreateDoubleMatrix (C and Fortran) | 2-D, double-precision, floating-point array initialized to 0 |
mxCreateDoubleScalar (C and Fortran) | Scalar, double-precision array initialized to specified value |
mxCreateLogicalArray (C) | N-D logical array initialized to false |
mxCreateLogicalMatrix (C) | 2-D, logical array initialized to false |
mxCreateLogicalScalar (C) | Scalar, logical array |
mxCreateNumericArray (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated N-D numeric array |
mxCreateNumericMatrix (C and Fortran) | Numeric matrix initialized to 0 |
mxCreateSparse (C and Fortran) | 2-D unpopulated sparse array |
mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix (C) | Unpopulated 2-D, sparse, logical array |
mxCreateString (C and Fortran) | Create 1-by-N array initialized to specified string |
mxCreateStructArray (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated N-D structure array |
mxCreateStructMatrix (C and Fortran) | Unpopulated 2-D structure array |
mxDestroyArray (C and Fortran) | Free dynamic memory allocated by MXCREATE* functions |
mxDuplicateArray (C and Fortran) | Make deep copy of array |
mxFree (C and Fortran) | Free dynamic memory allocated by MXCALLOC, MXMALLOC, or MXREALLOC functions |
mxGetCell (C and Fortran) | Contents of array cell |
mxGetChars (C) | Pointer to character array data |
mxGetClassID (C and Fortran) | Class of array |
mxGetClassName (C and Fortran) | Class of array as string |
mxGetData (C and Fortran) | Pointer to real data |
mxGetDimensions (C and Fortran) | Pointer to dimensions array |
mxGetElementSize (C and Fortran) | Number of bytes required to store each data element |
mxGetEps (C and Fortran) | Value of EPS |
mxGetField (C and Fortran) | Field value, given field name and index, into structure array |
mxGetFieldByNumber (C and Fortran) | Field value, given field number and index, into structure array |
mxGetFieldNameByNumber (C and Fortran) | Field name, given field number, in structure array |
mxGetFieldNumber (C and Fortran) | Field number, given field name, in structure array |
mxGetImagData (C and Fortran) | Pointer to imaginary data of array |
mxGetInf (C and Fortran) | Value of infinity |
mxGetIr (C and Fortran) | Sparse matrix IR array |
mxGetJc (C and Fortran) | Sparse matrix JC array |
mxGetLogicals (C) | Pointer to logical array data |
mxGetM (C and Fortran) | Number of rows in array |
mxGetN (C and Fortran) | Number of columns in array |
mxGetNaN (C and Fortran) | Value of NaN (Not-a-Number) |
mxGetNumberOfDimensions (C and Fortran) | Number of dimensions in array |
mxGetNumberOfElements (C and Fortran) | Number of elements in array |
mxGetNumberOfFields (C and Fortran) | Number of fields in structure array |
mxGetNzmax (C and Fortran) | Number of elements in IR, PR, and PI arrays |
mxGetPi (C and Fortran) | Imaginary data elements in array of type DOUBLE |
mxGetPr (C and Fortran) | Real data elements in array of type DOUBLE |
mxGetProperty (C and Fortran) | Value of public property of MATLAB object |
mxGetScalar (C and Fortran) | Real component of first data element in array |
mxGetString (C and Fortran) | String array to C-style string |
mxIsCell (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is cell array |
mxIsChar (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is string array |
mxIsClass (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array is member of specified class |
mxIsComplex (C and Fortran) | Determine whether data is complex |
mxIsDouble (C and Fortran) | Determine whether mxArray represents data as double-precision, floating-point numbers |
mxIsEmpty (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array is empty |
mxIsFinite (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is finite |
mxIsFromGlobalWS (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array was copied from MATLAB global workspace |
mxIsInf (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is infinite |
mxIsInt16 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as signed 16-bit integers |
mxIsInt32 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as signed 32-bit integers |
mxIsInt64 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as signed 64-bit integers |
mxIsInt8 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as signed 8-bit integers |
mxIsLogical (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array is of type mxLogical |
mxIsLogicalScalar (C) | Determine whether scalar array is of type mxLogical |
mxIsLogicalScalarTrue (C) | Determine whether scalar array of type mxLogical is true |
mxIsNaN (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is NaN (Not-a-Number) |
mxIsNumeric (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array is numeric |
mxIsSingle (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as single-precision, floating-point numbers |
mxIsSparse (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is sparse array |
mxIsStruct (C and Fortran) | Determine whether input is structure array |
mxIsUint16 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 16-bit integers |
mxIsUint32 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 32-bit integers |
mxIsUint64 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 64-bit integers |
mxIsUint8 (C and Fortran) | Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 8-bit integers |
mxLogical (C) | Type for logical array |
mxMalloc (C and Fortran) | Allocate dynamic memory using MATLAB memory manager |
mxRealloc (C and Fortran) | Reallocate dynamic memory using MATLAB memory manager |
mxRemoveField (C and Fortran) | Remove field from structure array |
mxSetCell (C and Fortran) | Value of one cell of array |
mxSetClassName (C) | Convert structure array to MATLAB object array |
mxSetData (C and Fortran) | Set pointer to data |
mxSetDimensions (C and Fortran) | Modify number of dimensions and size of each dimension |
mxSetField (C and Fortran) | Set structure array field, given structure field name and array index |
mxSetFieldByNumber (C and Fortran) | Set structure array field, given field number and index |
mxSetImagData (C and Fortran) | Imaginary data pointer for array |
mxSetIr (C and Fortran) | IR array of sparse array |
mxSetJc (C and Fortran) | JC array of sparse array |
mxSetM (C and Fortran) | Number of rows in array |
mxSetN (C and Fortran) | Set number of columns in array |
mxSetNzmax (C and Fortran) | Set storage space for nonzero elements |
mxSetPi (C and Fortran) | Set new imaginary data for array |
mxSetPr (C and Fortran) | Set new real data for array |
mxSetProperty (C and Fortran) | Set value of public property of MATLAB object |
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