css note
1. 屬性
1.1. 定位
1.1.1. position(static, relative, absolute, fixed, center, page, sticky)
1.1.2. z-index(auto, <integer>,適用於定位元素)
1.1.3. topright bottom left (auto, <length>, <percentage>,適用於定位元素)
1.1.4. clip(auto, rect(), inset(),適用於絕對定位元素)
1.2. 佈局
1.2.1. display
1.2.2. float(none, left, right)
1.2.3. clear(none, left, right, both)
1.2.4. visibility(visible, hidden, collapse)
1.2.5. overflow(visible, hidden, scroll, auto)
1.2.6. overflow-x(visible, hidden, scroll, auto)
1.2.7. overflow-y(visible, hidden, scroll, auto)
1.3. 尺寸 (width, min-width, max-width, height, min-height, max-height)
1.4. 外補白 (margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left)
1.5. 內補白 (padding, padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left)
1.6. 邊框 (border, border-width, border-style, border-color, border-top,border-right, border-bottom, border-left, border-radius, box-shadow,border-image)
1.7. 背景 (background, background-color, background-image, background-repeat,background-attachment, background-position, background-origin, background-clip,background-size)
1.8. 顏色 (color, opacity)
1.9. 字型 (font, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size,font-family, font-stretch)
1.10. 文字
1.10.1. text-transform(none,capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, full-width)
1.10.2. white-space(normal,pre, nowrap, pre-wrap, pre-line)
1.10.3. tab-size
1.10.4. word-break(normal,keep-all, break-all)
1.10.5. word-wrap(normal,break-word)
1.10.6. overflow-wrap(normal,break-word)
1.10.7. text-align(left,center, right, justify, start, end)
1.10.8. text-align-last(auto,left, center, right, justify, start, end)
1.10.9. vertical-align
1.10.10. line-height
1.11. 文字裝飾(text-decoration)
1.12. 書寫模式(direction)
1.13. 列表(list-style, list-style-image, list-style-position, list-style-type)
1.14. 表格
1.15. 內容
1.16. 使用者介面
1.17. 多列
1.18. 伸縮盒
1.19. 交換
1.19.1. transform(none,matrix, translate, translateX, translateY, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, skew,skewX, skewY)
1.19.2. transform-origin
1.20. 過渡(transition, transition-property, transition-duration,transition-timing-function, transition-delay)
1.21. 動畫(animation, animation-name, animation-duration,animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count,animation-direction, animation-play-state, animation-fill-mode)
1.22. 列印
1.23. 媒體查詢
1.23.1. width
1.23.2. height
1.23.3. device-width
1.23.4. device-height
1.23.5. orientation
1.23.6. aspect-ratio
1.23.7. device-aspect-ratio
1.23.8. color
1.23.9. color-index
1.23.10. monochrome
1.23.11. resolution
1.23.12. scan
1.23.13. grid
2. 選擇器
2.1. 元素選擇符
2.1.1. 通配選擇符(*)
2.1.2. 型別選擇符(E)
2.1.3. ID選擇符(E#id)
2.1.4. 類選擇符(E.class)
2.2. 關係選擇符
2.2.1. 包含選擇符(E F)
2.2.2. 子選擇符(E>F)
2.2.3. 相鄰選擇符(E+F)
2.2.4. 兄弟選擇符(E~F)
2.3. 屬性選擇符
2.3.1. E[attr]
2.3.2. E[attr=”val”]
2.3.3. E[attr~=”val”]
2.3.4. E[attr^=”val”]
2.3.5. E[attr$=”val”]
2.3.6. E[attr*=”val”]
2.3.7. E[attr|=”val”]
2.4. 偽類選擇符
2.4.1. E:link
2.4.2. E:visited
2.4.3. E:hover
2.4.4. E:active
2.4.5. E:focus
2.4.6. E:lang(fr)
2.4.7. E:not(s)
2.4.8. E:root
2.4.9. E:first-child
2.4.10. E:last-child
2.4.11. E:only-child
2.4.12. E:nth-child(n)
2.4.13. E:nth-last-child(n)
2.4.14. E:first-of-type
2.4.15. E:last-of-type
2.4.16. E:only-of-type
2.4.17. E:nth-of-type(n)
2.4.18. E:nth-last-of-type(n)
2.4.19. E:empty
2.4.20. E:checked
2.4.21. E:enabled
2.4.22. E:disabled
2.4.23. E:target
2.4.24. @page:first
2.4.25. @page:left
2.4.26. @page:right
2.5. 偽物件選擇符
2.5.1. E:first-letter/E::first-letter
2.5.2. E:first-line/E::first-line
2.5.3. E:before/E::before
2.5.4. E:after/E::after
2.5.5. E::selection
3. 語法與規則
3.1. !important
3.2. /*comment*/
3.3. @import
3.4. @charset
3.5. @media
3.6. @font-face
3.7. @page
3.8. @keyframes
4. 取值與單位
4.1. 長度
4.2. 角度
4.3. 時間
4.4. 頻率
4.5. 佈局
4.6. 解析度
4.7. 顏色
4.8. 文字
4.9. 函式
4.10. 影象
4.11. 數字
5. CSSHack
5.1. 條件Hack
5.2. 屬性級Hack
5.3. 選擇符級Hack
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