今天整合react和redux時,突然報TypeError: Object(...) is not a function,查了很久都沒有找到與自己寫的程式碼有關係的地方。猜測應該是version不匹配。就找出最近整合成功的專案,發現react-redux^7.0.1降級到6.0.1,就不會有問題。記錄下來供自己和別人參考。
react 和redux整合報TypeError: Object(...) is not a function
- TypeError: stringWidth is not a functionErrorFunction
- Uncaught TypeError: i is not a functionErrorFunction
- TypeError: object() takes no parametersErrorObject
- 1.python報錯:TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptablePythonErrorObject
- TypeError: loaderContext.getOptions is not a functionErrorContextFunction
- React 入門-redux 和 react-reduxReactRedux
- Function和Object 應該知道的FunctionObject
- Python報錯:TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str‘PythonErrorObjectUI
- react-native 之 state 和 props 以及 redux 和 react-reduxReactRedux
- Error: Expected ref to be a function, a string, an object returned by React.createRef(), or null.ErrorFunctionObjectReactNull
- TypeError: Object of type ‘datetime‘ is not JSON serializableErrorObjectJSON
- React與Redux整合技術簡介ReactRedux
- 徹底搞懂Object和Function的關係ObjectFunction
- pytorch 踩坑,TypeError: expected seqence object with len>_0 or a single integer_typeerror: expected sequence object with len __ 0PyTorchErrorObject
- 深入淺出React和ReduxReactRedux
- redux 和 react-redux 部分原始碼閱讀ReduxReact原始碼
- Django程式碼中的TypeError 'float' object is not callableDjangoErrorObject
- 對React、Redux、React-Redux詳細剖析ReactRedux
- (譯)React是如何區分Class和Function?ReactFunction
- React - React 中使用 ReduxReactRedux
- react、redux、react-redux之間的關係ReactRedux
- React報錯之Function components cannot have string refsReactFunction
- jquery-3.4.1.js:10091 Uncaught TypeError: url.indexOf is not a functionjQueryJSErrorIndexFunction
- react-reduxReactRedux
- React 快速上手 - 08 redux 狀態管理 react-reduxReactRedux
- redux && react-redux原始碼解析ReduxReact原始碼
- [譯] React 是如何區分 Class 和 Function 的 ?ReactFunction
- React,Redux,React-redux的錯綜複雜關係ReactRedux
- Redux for react native 指南ReduxReact Native
- React — Redux詳解ReactRedux
- React之Redux原理ReactRedux
- TypeError: Cannot read private member xxx from an object whose class did not declare itErrorObject
- react-redux/redux相關API,用法原理ReactReduxAPI
- 帶你瞭解redux與react-reduxReduxReact
- 使用react-hook 替代 react-reduxReactHookRedux
- react系列(六)Redux SagaReactRedux
- react-redux 進階ReactRedux
- 在 React 中使用 ReduxReactRedux