typedef struct node
int data; //節點內容
node *next; //下一個節點
node *create()
int i=0; //連結串列中資料的個數
node *head, *p, *q;
int x = 0;
head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); //建立頭節點
printf("Please input the data: ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if(0 == x) //data為0時建立結束
p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
p->data = x;
if(++i == 1) //連結串列只有一個元素
head->next = p; //連線到head的後面
q->next = p; //連線到連結串列尾端
q = p; //q指向末節點
q->next = NULL; //連結串列的最後一個指標為NULL
return head;
int length(node *head)
int len = 0;
node *p = head->next;
while(NULL != p)
p = p->next;
return len;
void print(node *head)
int pos = 0;
node *p = NULL;
if(NULL == head->next)
printf("Link is empty!\n");
return ;
p = head->next;
while(NULL != p) //遍歷連結串列
printf("The %dth node is: %d\n", ++pos, p->data);
p = p->next;
node *search_node(node *head, int pos)
node *p = head->next;
if(pos < 0) //pos位置不正確
printf("incorrect position to search node!\n");
return NULL;
if(0 == pos)
return head;
if(NULL == p)
printf("Link is empty!\n"); //連結串列為空
return NULL;
if((p = p->next) == NULL)
printf("incorrect position to search node!\n");
break; //超出連結串列返回
return p;
node *insert_node(node *head, int pos, int data)
node *item = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
node *p = NULL;
item->data = data;
if(0 == pos) //插入連結串列頭後面
head->next = item; //head後面是item
return head;
p = search_node(head, pos); //獲得位置pos的節點指標
if(NULL != p)
item->next = p->next; //item指向原pos節點的後一個節點
p->next = item; //把item插入到pos的後面
return head;
node *delete_node(node *head, int pos)
node *del;
node *p = head->next;
if(NULL == p) //連結串列為空
printf("Link is empty!\n");
return NULL;
p = search_node(head, pos-1); //獲得位置pos的節點指標
if(NULL != p && NULL != p->next)
del = p->next;
p->next = del->next;
delete del;
return head;
下面程式碼是上面各個函式的測試主程式:int main()
node *head = create(); //建立單連結串列
printf("Length: %d\n", length(head)); //測量單連結串列長度
head = insert_node(head, 2, 5); //在第2個節點之後插入5
printf("insert integer 5 after 2th node: \n");
print(head); //列印單連結串列
head = delete_node(head, 2); //刪除第2個節點
printf("delete the 2th node: \n");
return 0;
下面是程式執行結果:Please input the data: 1
Please input the data: 2
Please input the data: 3
Please input the data: 4
Please input the data: 0
Length: 4
insert integer 5 after 2th node:
The 1th node is: 1
The 2th node is: 2
The 3th node is: 5
The 4th node is: 3
The 5th node is: 4
delete the 2th node:
The 1th node is: 1
The 2th node is: 5
The 3th node is: 3
The 4th node is: 4
Press any key to continue
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