iPhone4 vs HTC Evo
Video URL:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg2ODE1NDM2.html
shopkeeper: Welcome to phone mart! How may I help you?
customer: iPhone4. Where is the iPhone4? I need an iPhone4.
shopkeeper: Oh, I'm very sory but we're currently sold out. However, we did finally get some more HTC Evos in.
customer: What? What is that? Is that an iPhone?
shopkeeper: No. It is a 4G phone on Sprint.
customer: It is not an iPhone, why whould I want it?
shopkeeper: Well it's similar to an iPhone but has a bigger screen.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: The Internet speed is around 3 times faster.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: It has a higher resolution camera on both of the front and back.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: And it doesn't require to be on wifi to use video chat.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: Its battery is as replaceable as the memory card.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: It is highly customizable, everything from the widgets to the icons. The fronts even have video wallpaper.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: The monthly bill is cheaper.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: It fuckin prints money.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: It can grands up the 3 wishes, even if one of those wishes is for an iPhone.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: It has an app that will build you an island and then it fuckin transform to an jet flys you there.
customer: I don't care.
shopkeeper: And it's mother fuckin indestroyable.
customer: I don't care about any of that.
shopkeeper: OK. Fine. Then what the helly intenses you about the iPhone4 if you don't mind me asking?
customer: It's an iPhone.
shopkeeper: You do realize that doesn't mean anything. It's a brand. They could put up a fuckin brick and call it an iPhone if they wanted to.
customer: Yes, but it's the best phone.
shopkeeper: Can you explain how?
customer: I can download apps to it.
shopkeeper: Big fuckin deal. My 8-year-old niece's shady boost mobile phone has apps on it.
customer: It's 3G and has the Wi-Fis.
shopkeeper: What the fuck do you even know what that means.
customer: Ummm...it can...that I...uh...
shopkeeper: Listen, I'm out of the god damn iPhone anyway. I guess if you don't mind use AT&T's shady ass network and don't mind paying all the ass for the plan and the phone and also don't mind having a brand new phone that's already behind the curve, then I can put you on our reservation list.
customer: No, I'll just try somewhere else. I have to have it today.
shopkeeper: Are you serious? Not only are you so about to stupid to use what a device, you are also so retarded that you think you can fuckin walk into any store to purchase one on its launching day without preorder.
customer: Yes.
shopkeeper: I think...I think I need to go chop off my own pricks now. Yes, I think I will. I don't need my children growing up in a world populated by the wholely shits like you.
customer: I need an iPhone4.
shopkeeper: Wholely fuck. If you don't leave, I'm going to fuckin go find one for you and shot it for your ass.
customer: I want one with the bigger GBs.
shopkeeper: Oh god. I think I just had an heady erasm. I...I'm dying. Are you happy? Your fuckin stupidy has killed me. Now my god cat and dog is homeless. I'm no longer alive. I'm dead.
customer: I need the white one. Hello? I need one now please. Can you left the activation fee? Does it come with the case? I also need you to hook up my bluetooth to it. Hello? Hello? Fuck it, I'll go somewhere else. My sister said the Walgreen's has them. Goodbye!
Enjoy your iPhone4 if you have ;D
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