Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib: mach-o, but not built for iOS simulator
需要把 libstdc++.6.dylib 這個檔案放到下面這個路徑下
xcode10 library not found for -lstdc++.6.0.9
- 關於Xcode10更新三方SDK報錯:library not found for -libstdc+XCode
- [xcode10關於clang -lstdc++.6.0.9報錯問題]XCodeC++
- xcode10編譯工程提示info.plist檔案重複和library not found for -l"stdc++.6.0.9"XCode編譯C++
- 關於cocopods更新第三方庫報ld: library not found for -lXXXXXX錯誤
- 解決:Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_101.dll‘; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not foundDartError
- 【IOS】關於cocopods更新第三方庫報ld: library not found for -lXXXXXX錯誤iOS
- CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "test_aidl_hal": library "android.hardware.hello-V1-ndk.so" not found: needed by main executableAIAndroid
- Could not load dynamic library ‘cublas64_10.dll‘; dlerror: cublas64_10.dll not found或者缺少DLL問題Error
- library cache pin和library cache lock(一)
- library cache pin和library cache lock (zt)
- library cache pin和library cache lock(二)
- xcode10 自定義程式碼塊XCode
- boost library
- ORA-15180: could not open dynamic library ASM LibraryASM
- Xcode10和iOS12踩坑XCodeiOS
- Library Cache最佳化篇(一)降低library cache lock和library cache pin的方法
- library cache lock和library cache bin實驗_2.0
- -bash: id: command not found -bash: tty: command not found
- Oracle Library cacheOracle
- Anything Anytime Library
- kubeadm not found
- ADS報錯:Sorry, but the license for the following library is not available: "System Model Library"AI
- xcode10 之後程式碼不聯想XCode
- Xcode10:Implicit declaration of function '' is invalid in C99XCodeFunction
- Xcode10更新的那些坑(持續更新)XCode
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- Lifecycle-library-stable
- Quick Library 簡介UI
- Transformers - Hugging Face LibraryORMHugging Face
- library cache pin(轉)
- Tenacity -- Retrying library for PythonPython
- Go Standard library - stringsGo
- Go Standard library - flagGo
- nodemon: command not found
- pip: command not found
- found an invalid color