答案是肯定的, ASP.NET MVC3釋出的時候提供了一個Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll檔案,這個檔案就是提供了動態註冊HttpModule的功能,那麼它是如何以註冊的呢?我們先去MVC3的原始碼看看該DLL的原始碼。
注:該DLL位置在C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\Assemblies\下
// Call from PreAppStart to dynamically register an IHttpModule, just as if you had added it to the // <modules> section in Web.config. [SecuritySafeCritical] public static void RegisterModule(Type moduleType) { if (DynamicModuleReflectionUtil.Fx45RegisterModuleDelegate != null) { // The Fx45 helper exists, so just call it directly. DynamicModuleReflectionUtil.Fx45RegisterModuleDelegate(moduleType); } else { // Use private reflection to perform the hookup. LegacyModuleRegistrar.RegisterModule(moduleType); } }
通過程式碼和註釋我們可以看到,這個方法就是讓我們動態註冊IHttpModule的,而且由於.Net4.5已經有helper類支援了,所以直接就可以用,其它版本使用LegacyModuleRegistrar.RegisterModule來動態註冊IHttpModule 的。而這個方法裡又分IIS6和IIS7整合或經典模式之分,程式碼大體上是一致的,我們這裡就只分析IIS6版本的程式碼:
private static void AddModuleToClassicPipeline(Type moduleType) { // This works by essentially adding a new entry to the <httpModules> section defined // in ~/Web.config. Need to set the collection to read+write while we do this. // httpModulesSection = RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig().HttpModules; // httpModulesSection.Modules.bReadOnly = false; // httpModulesSection.Modules.Add(new HttpModuleAction(...)); // httpModulesSection.Modules.bReadOnly = true; HttpModulesSection httpModulesSection = null; try { object appConfig = _reflectionUtil.GetAppConfig(); httpModulesSection = _reflectionUtil.GetHttpModulesFromAppConfig(appConfig); _reflectionUtil.SetConfigurationElementCollectionReadOnlyBit(httpModulesSection.Modules, false /* value */); DynamicModuleRegistryEntry newEntry = CreateDynamicModuleRegistryEntry(moduleType); httpModulesSection.Modules.Add(new HttpModuleAction(newEntry.Name, newEntry.Type)); } finally { if (httpModulesSection != null) { _reflectionUtil.SetConfigurationElementCollectionReadOnlyBit(httpModulesSection.Modules, true /* value */); } } }
// call AppInitialize, unless the flag says not to do it (e.g. CBM scenario). // Also, don't call it if HostingInit failed (VSWhidbey 210495) if(!HttpRuntime.HostingInitFailed) { try { BuildManager.CallPreStartInitMethods(); if ((hostingFlags & HostingEnvironmentFlags.DontCallAppInitialize) == 0) { BuildManager.CallAppInitializeMethod(); } } catch (Exception e) { // could throw compilation errors in 'code' - report them with first http request HttpRuntime.InitializationException = e; if ((hostingFlags & HostingEnvironmentFlags.ThrowHostingInitErrors) != 0) { throw; } } }
internal static ICollection<MethodInfo> GetPreStartInitMethodsFromAssemblyCollection(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies) { List<MethodInfo> methods = new List<MethodInfo>(); foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) { PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute[] attributes = null; try { attributes = (PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute[])assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute), inherit: true); } catch { // GetCustomAttributes invokes the constructors of the attributes, so it is possible that they might throw unexpected exceptions. // (Dev10 bug 831981) } if (attributes != null && attributes.Length != 0) { Debug.Assert(attributes.Length == 1); PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute attribute = attributes[0]; Debug.Assert(attribute != null); MethodInfo method = null; // Ensure the Type on the attribute is in the same assembly as the attribute itself if (attribute.Type != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.MethodName) && attribute.Type.Assembly == assembly) { method = FindPreStartInitMethod(attribute.Type, attribute.MethodName); } if (method != null) { methods.Add(method); } else { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute_value, assembly.FullName, (attribute.Type != null ? attribute.Type.FullName : String.Empty), attribute.MethodName)); } } } return methods; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute : Attribute { private readonly Type _type; private readonly string _methodName; public PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute(Type type, string methodName) { _type = type; _methodName = methodName; } public Type Type { get { return _type; } } public string MethodName { get { return _methodName; } } }
public class CustomModule : IHttpModule { public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest); } void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication ap = sender as HttpApplication; if (ap != null) { ap.Response.Write("湯姆大叔測試PreApplicationStartMethod通過!<br/>"); } } public void Dispose() { //nothing to do here } }
public class PreApplicationStartCode { private static bool hasLoaded; public static void PreStart() { if (!hasLoaded) { hasLoaded = true; //注意這裡的動態註冊,此靜態方法在Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.DynamicModuleHelper DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(CustomModule)); } } }
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(WebApplication1.Test.PreApplicationStartCode), "PreStart")]