根據對Http Runtime和Http Pipeline的分析,我們知道一個ASP.NET應用程式可以有多個HttpModuel,但是隻能有一個HttpHandler,並且通過這個HttpHandler的BeginProcessRequest(或ProcessRequest)來處理並返回請求,前面的章節將到了再MapHttpHandler這個週期將會根據請求的URL來查詢對應的HttpHandler,那麼它是如何查詢的呢?
routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
但是在匹配這個之前,MVC首先要接管請求才能處理,也就是說我們要有對應MVC的HttpHandler(後面知道它的名字叫MvcHandler)被MapRequestHandler週期的處理引擎查詢到並且應用上才行,然後後面才能由 Controller/Action執行。另外一方面,由於該URL地址沒有副檔名,所以無法進入ASP.NET的RunTime,MVC2的實現方式是:註冊萬用字元(*.*)對映到aspnet_ISPAI.dll,然後通過一個自定義的UrlRoutingModuel來匹配Route規則,再繼續處理,但是MVC3的時候,匹配Route規則的處理機制整合到ASP.NET4.0裡了,也就是今天我們這篇文章所要講的主角(UrlRoutingModule)的處理機制。
protected virtual void Init(HttpApplication application) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if this module has been already addded if (application.Context.Items[_contextKey] != null) { return; // already added to the pipeline } application.Context.Items[_contextKey] = _contextKey; // Ideally we would use the MapRequestHandler event. However, MapRequestHandler is not available // in II6 or IIS7 ISAPI Mode. Instead, we use PostResolveRequestCache, which is the event immediately // before MapRequestHandler. This allows use to use one common codepath for all versions of IIS. application.PostResolveRequestCache += OnApplicationPostResolveRequestCache; }
public virtual void PostResolveRequestCache(HttpContextBase context) { // Match the incoming URL against the route table RouteData routeData = RouteCollection.GetRouteData(context); // Do nothing if no route found if (routeData == null) { return; } // If a route was found, get an IHttpHandler from the route's RouteHandler IRouteHandler routeHandler = routeData.RouteHandler; if (routeHandler == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, SR.GetString(SR.UrlRoutingModule_NoRouteHandler))); } // This is a special IRouteHandler that tells the routing module to stop processing // routes and to let the fallback handler handle the request. if (routeHandler is StopRoutingHandler) { return; } RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(context, routeData); // Dev10 766875 Adding RouteData to HttpContext context.Request.RequestContext = requestContext; IHttpHandler httpHandler = routeHandler.GetHttpHandler(requestContext); if (httpHandler == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, SR.GetString(SR.UrlRoutingModule_NoHttpHandler), routeHandler.GetType())); } if (httpHandler is UrlAuthFailureHandler) { if (FormsAuthenticationModule.FormsAuthRequired) { UrlAuthorizationModule.ReportUrlAuthorizationFailure(HttpContext.Current, this); return; } else { throw new HttpException(401, SR.GetString(SR.Assess_Denied_Description3)); } } // Remap IIS7 to our handler context.RemapHandler(httpHandler); }
我已經加粗了4行重要的程式碼,第一行是通過傳遞HttpContext引數,從RouteCollection找到對應的靜態屬性RouteData( GetRouteData方法裡會先判斷真實檔案是否存在,如果不存在才去找RouteData),第二行然後從RouteData的屬性RouteHandler獲取一個IRouteHandler的例項,第三行是從該例項裡獲取對應的IHttpHandler例項,第4行是呼叫HttpContext的RemapHandler方法重新map新的handler(這行程式碼的註釋雖然說是remap IIS7,其實IIS6也是用了,只不過判斷該方法裡對IIS7整合模式多了一點特殊處理而已),然後可以通過HttpContext. RemapHandlerInstance屬性來得到這個例項。
關於Route/RouteData/RouteCollection/IRouteHandler的作用主要就是定義URL匹配到指定的IHttpHandler,然後註冊進去,具體實現我們稍後再講,現在先看一下Http Pipeline裡是如何找到這個IHttpHandler例項的,由於IIS6和IIS7整合模式是差不多的,前面的文章我們提到了都是最終呼叫到IHttpHandlerFactory的例項,然後從中獲取IHttpHandler,所以我們這裡只分析IIS6和IIS7經典模式的實現。
context.Handler = _application.MapHttpHandler( context, request.RequestType, request.FilePathObject, request.PhysicalPathInternal, false /*useAppConfig*/);
internal IHttpHandler MapHttpHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, VirtualPath path, String pathTranslated, bool useAppConfig) { // Don't use remap handler when HttpServerUtility.Execute called IHttpHandler handler = (context.ServerExecuteDepth == 0) ? context.RemapHandlerInstance : null; using (new ApplicationImpersonationContext()) { // Use remap handler if possible if (handler != null){ return handler; } // Map new handler HttpHandlerAction mapping = GetHandlerMapping(context, requestType, path, useAppConfig); // If a page developer has removed the default mappings with <httpHandlers><clear> // without replacing them then we need to give a more descriptive error than // a null parameter exception. if (mapping == null) { PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_NOT_FOUND); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUESTS_FAILED); throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Http_handler_not_found_for_request_type, requestType)); } // Get factory from the mapping IHttpHandlerFactory factory = GetFactory(mapping); // Get factory from the mapping try { // Check if it supports the more efficient GetHandler call that can avoid // a VirtualPath object creation. IHttpHandlerFactory2 factory2 = factory as IHttpHandlerFactory2; if (factory2 != null) { handler = factory2.GetHandler(context, requestType, path, pathTranslated); } else { handler = factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, path.VirtualPathString, pathTranslated); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (HttpRuntime.HasPathDiscoveryPermission(pathTranslated)) throw new HttpException(404, null, e); else throw new HttpException(404, null); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { if (HttpRuntime.HasPathDiscoveryPermission(pathTranslated)) throw new HttpException(404, null, e); else throw new HttpException(404, null); } catch (PathTooLongException e) { if (HttpRuntime.HasPathDiscoveryPermission(pathTranslated)) throw new HttpException(414, null, e); else throw new HttpException(414, null); } // Remember for recycling if (_handlerRecycleList == null) _handlerRecycleList = new ArrayList(); _handlerRecycleList.Add(new HandlerWithFactory(handler, factory)); } return handler; }
[TypeForwardedFrom("System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")] public class Route : RouteBase { public Route(string url, IRouteHandler routeHandler) { Url = url; RouteHandler = routeHandler; } public Route(string url, RouteValueDictionary defaults, RouteValueDictionary constraints, IRouteHandler routeHandler) { Url = url; Defaults = defaults; Constraints = constraints; RouteHandler = routeHandler; } //省略部分程式碼 public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext) { // Parse incoming URL (we trim off the first two chars since they're always "~/") string requestPath = httpContext.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.Substring(2) + httpContext.Request.PathInfo; RouteValueDictionary values = _parsedRoute.Match(requestPath, Defaults); if (values == null) { // If we got back a null value set, that means the URL did not match return null; } RouteData routeData = new RouteData(this, RouteHandler); // Validate the values if (!ProcessConstraints(httpContext, values, RouteDirection.IncomingRequest)) { return null; } // Copy the matched values foreach (var value in values) { routeData.Values.Add(value.Key, value.Value); } // Copy the DataTokens from the Route to the RouteData if (DataTokens != null) { foreach (var prop in DataTokens) { routeData.DataTokens[prop.Key] = prop.Value; } } return routeData; } }
public RouteCollection RouteCollection { get { if (_routeCollection == null) { _routeCollection = RouteTable.Routes; } return _routeCollection; } set { _routeCollection = value; } }
public interface IRouteHandler { IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext); }
protected void Application_Start() { RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); }