


測試驅動開發,英文全稱Test-Driven Development,簡稱TDD,是一種不同於傳統軟體開發流程的新型的開發方法。它要求在編寫某個功能的程式碼之前先編寫測試程式碼,然後只編寫使測試通過的功能程式碼,通過測試來推動整個開發的進行。這有助於編寫簡潔可用和高質量的程式碼,並加速開發過程。(來源百度百科)



  1. 快速新增一個測試(編者注:並非快速)
  2. 執行所有的測試(有時候只需要執行一個或一部分),發現新增的測試不能通過
  3. 做一些小小的改動,儘快地讓測試程式可執行,為此可以在程式中使用一些不合情理的方法
  4. 執行所有的測試,並且全部通過
  5. 重構程式碼,以消除重複設計,優化設計結構



1.Add a test

In test-driven development, each new feature begins with writing a test. To write a test, the developer must clearly understand the feature's specification and requirements. The developer can accomplish this through use cases and user stories to cover the requirements and exception conditions, and can write the test in whatever testing framework is appropriate to the software environment. It could be a modified version of an existing test. This is a differentiating feature of test-driven development versus writing unit tests after the code is written: it makes the developer focus on the requirements before writing the code, a subtle but important difference.

2.Run all tests and see if the new one fails

This validates that the test harness is working correctly, that the new test does not mistakenly pass without requiring any new code, and that the required feature does not already exist. This step also tests the test itself, in the negative: it rules out the possibility that the new test always passes, and therefore is worthless. The new test should also fail for the expected reason. This step increases the developer's confidence that the unit test is testing the correct constraint, and passes only in intended cases.

3.Write some code

The next step is to write some code that causes the test to pass. The new code written at this stage is not perfect and may, for example, pass the test in an inelegant way. That is acceptable because it will be improved and honed in Step 5.

At this point, the only purpose of the written code is to pass the test; no further (and therefore untested) functionality should be predicted nor 'allowed for' at any stage.

4. Run tests

If all test cases now pass, the programmer can be confident that the new code meets the test requirements, and does not break or degrade any existing features. If they do not, the new code must be adjusted until they do.

5. Refactor code

The growing code base must be cleaned up regularly during test-driven development. New code can be moved from where it was convenient for passing a test to where it more logically belongs. Duplication must be removed. Object, class, module, variable and method names should clearly represent their current purpose and use, as extra functionality is added. As features are added, method bodies can get longer and other objects larger. They benefit from being split and their parts carefully named to improve readability and maintainability, which will be increasingly valuable later in the software lifecycle. Inheritance hierarchies may be rearranged to be more logical and helpful, and perhaps to benefit from recognised design patterns. There are specific and general guidelines for refactoring and for creating clean code.[6][7] By continually re-running the test cases throughout each refactoring phase, the developer can be confident that process is not altering any existing functionality.

The concept of removing duplication is an important aspect of any software design. In this case, however, it also applies to the removal of any duplication between the test code and the production code—for example magic numbers or strings repeated in both to make the test pass in Step 3.


Starting with another new test, the cycle is then repeated to push forward the functionality. The size of the steps should always be small, with as few as 1 to 10 edits between each test run. If new code does not rapidly satisfy a new test, or other tests fail unexpectedly, the programmer should undo or revert in preference to excessive debugging. Continuous integration helps by providing revertible checkpoints. When using external libraries it is important not to make increments that are so small as to be effectively merely testing the library itself,[4] unless there is some reason to believe that the library is buggy or is not sufficiently feature-complete to serve all the needs of the software under development.










    資料表明,做TDD比不做TDD多花15%的時間(George 和 Williams 2003)。但是,資料


24%和38%(George 和 Williams 2003)。的確,TDD在開始的時候會花費更多的時間,







  • TDD的過程熟悉
  • 學習如何寫合適的測試程式碼
  • 學習如何做重構
  • 學習如何在特定技術棧下引進合適的測試框架等











