Python Select 解析






poll在1986年誕生於System V Release 3,它和select在本質上沒有多大差別,但是poll沒有最大檔案描述符數量的限制。


另外,select()和poll()將就緒的檔案描述符告訴程式後,如果程式沒有對其進行IO操作,那麼下次呼叫select()和poll()的時候將再次報告這些檔案描述符,所以它們一般不會丟失就緒的訊息,這種方式稱為水平觸發(Level Triggered)。


epoll可以同時支援水平觸發和邊緣觸發(Edge Triggered,只告訴程式哪些檔案描述符剛剛變為就緒狀態,它只說一遍,如果我們沒有采取行動,那麼它將不會再次告知,這種方式稱為邊緣觸發),理論上邊緣觸發的效能要更高一些,但是程式碼實現相當複雜。





Python select 

Python的select()方法直接呼叫作業系統的IO介面,它監控sockets,open files, and pipes(所有帶fileno()方法的檔案控制程式碼)何時變成readable 和writeable, 或者通訊錯誤,select()使得同時監控多個連線變的簡單,並且這比寫一個長迴圈來等待和監控多客戶端連線要高效,因為select直接通過作業系統提供的C的網路介面進行操作,而不是通過Python的直譯器。

注意:Using Python’s file objects with select() works for Unix, but is not supported under Windows.

接下來通過echo server例子要以瞭解select 是如何通過單程式實現同時處理多個非阻塞的socket連線的

import select
import socket
import sys
import Queue

# Create a TCP/IP socket
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind the socket to the port
server_address = ('localhost', 10000)
print >>sys.stderr, 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address

# Listen for incoming connections


select()方法接收並監控3個通訊列表, 第一個是所有的輸入的data,就是指外部發過來的資料,第2個是監控和接收所有要發出去的data(outgoing data),第3個監控錯誤資訊,接下來我們需要建立2個列表來包含輸入和輸出資訊來傳給select().

# Sockets from which we expect to read
inputs = [ server ]

# Sockets to which we expect to write
outputs = [ ]



Connections are added to and removed from these lists by the server main loop. Since this version of the server is going to wait for a socket to become writable before sending any data (instead of immediately sending the reply), each output connection needs a queue to act as a buffer for the data to be sent through it.

# Outgoing message queues (socket:Queue)
message_queues = {}

The main portion of the server program loops, calling select() to block and wait for network activity.


while inputs:

    # Wait for at least one of the sockets to be ready for processing
    print >>sys.stderr, '\nwaiting for the next event'
    readable, writable, exceptional =, outputs, inputs)

 當你把inputs,outputs,exceptional(這裡跟inputs共用)傳給select()後,它返回3個新的list,我們上面將他們分別賦值為readable,writable,exceptional, 所有在readable list中的socket連線代表有資料可接收(recv),所有在writable list中的存放著你可以對其進行傳送(send)操作的socket連線,當連線通訊出現error時會把error寫到exceptional列表中。

select() returns three new lists, containing subsets of the contents of the lists passed in. All of the sockets in the readable list have incoming data buffered and available to be read. All of the sockets in the writable list have free space in their buffer and can be written to. The sockets returned in exceptional have had an error (the actual definition of “exceptional condition” depends on the platform).


Readable list 中的socket 可以有3種可能狀態,第一種是如果這個socket是main "server" socket,它負責監聽客戶端的連線,如果這個main server socket出現在readable裡,那代表這是server端已經ready來接收一個新的連線進來了,為了讓這個main server能同時處理多個連線,在下面的程式碼裡,我們把這個main server的socket設定為非阻塞模式。

The “readable” sockets represent three possible cases. If the socket is the main “server” socket, the one being used to listen for connections, then the “readable” condition means it is ready to accept another incoming connection. In addition to adding the new connection to the list of inputs to monitor, this section sets the client socket to not block.

    # Handle inputs
    for s in readable:

        if s is server:
            # A "readable" server socket is ready to accept a connection
            connection, client_address = s.accept()
            print >>sys.stderr, 'new connection from', client_address

            # Give the connection a queue for data we want to send
            message_queues[connection] = Queue.Queue()



The next case is an established connection with a client that has sent data. The data is read with recv(), then placed on the queue so it can be sent through the socket and back to the client.

            data = s.recv(1024)
            if data:
                # A readable client socket has data
                print >>sys.stderr, 'received "%s" from %s' % (data, s.getpeername())
                # Add output channel for response
                if s not in outputs:


A readable socket without data available is from a client that has disconnected, and the stream is ready to be closed.

                # Interpret empty result as closed connection
                print >>sys.stderr, 'closing', client_address, 'after reading no data'
                # Stop listening for input on the connection
                if s in outputs:
                    outputs.remove(s)  #既然客戶端都斷開了,我就不用再給它返回資料了,所以這時候如果這個客戶端的連線物件還在outputs列表中,就把它刪掉
                inputs.remove(s)    #inputs中也刪除掉
                s.close()           #把這個連線關閉掉

                # Remove message queue
                del message_queues[s]   


對於writable list中的socket,也有幾種狀態,如果這個客戶端連線在跟它對應的queue裡有資料,就把這個資料取出來再發回給這個客戶端,否則就把這個連線從output list中移除,這樣下一次迴圈select()呼叫時檢測到outputs list中沒有這個連線,那就會認為這個連線還處於非活動狀態

There are fewer cases for the writable connections. If there is data in the queue for a connection, the next message is sent. Otherwise, the connection is removed from the list of output connections so that the next time through the loop select() does not indicate that the socket is ready to send data.

    # Handle outputs
    for s in writable:
            next_msg = message_queues[s].get_nowait()
        except Queue.Empty:
            # No messages waiting so stop checking for writability.
            print >>sys.stderr, 'output queue for', s.getpeername(), 'is empty'
            print >>sys.stderr, 'sending "%s" to %s' % (next_msg, s.getpeername())


    # Handle "exceptional conditions"
    for s in exceptional:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'handling exceptional condition for', s.getpeername()
        # Stop listening for input on the connection
        if s in outputs:

        # Remove message queue
        del message_queues[s]




The example client program uses two sockets to demonstrate how the server with select() manages multiple connections at the same time. The client starts by connecting each TCP/IP socket to the server.

import socket
import sys

messages = [ 'This is the message. ',
             'It will be sent ',
             'in parts.',
server_address = ('localhost', 10000)

# Create a TCP/IP socket
socks = [ socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),
          socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),

# Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening
print >>sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_address
for s in socks:


Then it sends one pieces of the message at a time via each socket, and reads all responses available after writing new data.

for message in messages:

    # Send messages on both sockets
    for s in socks:
        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: sending "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), message)

    # Read responses on both sockets
    for s in socks:
        data = s.recv(1024)
        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: received "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), data)
        if not data:
            print >>sys.stderr, 'closing socket', s.getsockname()





__author__ = 'Alex Li'

import select
import socket
import sys
import queue

# Create a TCP/IP socket
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind the socket to the port
server_address = ('localhost', 10000)
print(sys.stderr, 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address)

# Listen for incoming connections

# Sockets from which we expect to read
inputs = [ server ]

# Sockets to which we expect to write
outputs = [ ]

message_queues = {}
while inputs:

    # Wait for at least one of the sockets to be ready for processing
    print( '\nwaiting for the next event')
    readable, writable, exceptional =, outputs, inputs)
    # Handle inputs
    for s in readable:

        if s is server:
            # A "readable" server socket is ready to accept a connection
            connection, client_address = s.accept()
            print('new connection from', client_address)

            # Give the connection a queue for data we want to send
            message_queues[connection] = queue.Queue()
            data = s.recv(1024)
            if data:
                # A readable client socket has data
                print(sys.stderr, 'received "%s" from %s' % (data, s.getpeername()) )
                # Add output channel for response
                if s not in outputs:
                # Interpret empty result as closed connection
                print('closing', client_address, 'after reading no data')
                # Stop listening for input on the connection
                if s in outputs:
                    outputs.remove(s)  #既然客戶端都斷開了,我就不用再給它返回資料了,所以這時候如果這個客戶端的連線物件還在outputs列表中,就把它刪掉
                inputs.remove(s)    #inputs中也刪除掉
                s.close()           #把這個連線關閉掉

                # Remove message queue
                del message_queues[s]
    # Handle outputs
    for s in writable:
            next_msg = message_queues[s].get_nowait()
        except queue.Empty:
            # No messages waiting so stop checking for writability.
            print('output queue for', s.getpeername(), 'is empty')
            print( 'sending "%s" to %s' % (next_msg, s.getpeername()))
    # Handle "exceptional conditions"
    for s in exceptional:
        print('handling exceptional condition for', s.getpeername() )
        # Stop listening for input on the connection
        if s in outputs:

        # Remove message queue
        del message_queues[s]






__author__ = 'jieli'
import socket
import sys

messages = [ 'This is the message. ',
             'It will be sent ',
             'in parts.',
server_address = ('localhost', 10000)

# Create a TCP/IP socket
socks = [ socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),
          socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),

# Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening
print >>sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_address
for s in socks:

for message in messages:

    # Send messages on both sockets
    for s in socks:
        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: sending "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), message)

    # Read responses on both sockets
    for s in socks:
        data = s.recv(1024)
        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: received "%s"' % (s.getsockname(), data)
        if not data:
            print >>sys.stderr, 'closing socket', s.getsockname()

Run the server in one window and the client in another. The output will look like this, with different port numbers.

$ python ./
starting up on localhost port 10000

waiting for the next event
new connection from ('', 55821)

waiting for the next event
new connection from ('', 55822)
received "This is the message. " from ('', 55821)

waiting for the next event
sending "This is the message. " to ('', 55821)

waiting for the next event
output queue for ('', 55821) is empty

waiting for the next event
received "This is the message. " from ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
sending "This is the message. " to ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
output queue for ('', 55822) is empty

waiting for the next event
received "It will be sent " from ('', 55821)
received "It will be sent " from ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
sending "It will be sent " to ('', 55821)
sending "It will be sent " to ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
output queue for ('', 55821) is empty
output queue for ('', 55822) is empty

waiting for the next event
received "in parts." from ('', 55821)
received "in parts." from ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
sending "in parts." to ('', 55821)
sending "in parts." to ('', 55822)

waiting for the next event
output queue for ('', 55821) is empty
output queue for ('', 55822) is empty

waiting for the next event
closing ('', 55822) after reading no data
closing ('', 55822) after reading no data

waiting for the next event

The client output shows the data being sent and received using both sockets.

$ python ./
connecting to localhost port 10000
('', 55821): sending "This is the message. "
('', 55822): sending "This is the message. "
('', 55821): received "This is the message. "
('', 55822): received "This is the message. "
('', 55821): sending "It will be sent "
('', 55822): sending "It will be sent "
('', 55821): received "It will be sent "
('', 55822): received "It will be sent "
('', 55821): sending "in parts."
('', 55822): sending "in parts."
('', 55821): received "in parts."
('', 55822): received "in parts."






