這裡有最新的 Scala 社群動態、技術博文。
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Automatic Type Class Derivation with Shapeless
Dependently-Typed Functions
解析「型別依賴的函式」Uniting Church and State: FP and OO Together
FP 與 OO 聯姻的技巧How I contributed to Scala overnight!
給 Scala 專案成功提交 MR 的經歷An introduction to Back-pressure
back pressure 介紹The programming language I want
Scala Enumerations Summary
Scala 中如何使用 EnumerationAn Interesting Use for Type Classes in Scala
使用 TypeClass 來解決型別安全問題Future[Either] and monad transformers
EitherT 使用Guide to Akka Streams
Akka Streams 指引