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An exercise in sbt plugin development
sbt 外掛開發實踐Tribulations of CanBuildFrom
Scala 官方文章介紹CanBuildFrom
的替代設計方案Scalability And Performance CheatSheet
Dotty Internals 2: Types
介紹了 Dotty 中的 TypesAkka monitoring with Kamon part 1
用 Kamon 監控 Akka 應用
Reply to your feedback on sbt
sbt 官方對反饋的迴應總結Akka anti-patterns overview
Akka 反設計總結Why We Open Sourced our Books
underscore.io 開源了書籍Curious about your Scala "style"
Scala 使用風格和層次探討Warts of the Scala Programming Language
李浩毅新文章:關於 Scala 這門語言的瑕疵Why you should know Monix
Monix 優點介紹Announcing Dotty 0.1.2-RC1, a major step towards Scala 3
Dotty 新進展