Golang cannot take the address of
cannot call pointer method on clusterQuota.Hard[admin.ResourceRequestsCPU]
cannot take the address of clusterQuota.Hard[admin.ResourceRequestsCPU]
test:= clusterQuota.Hard[admin.ResourceRequestsCPU].Value()
type Quantity struct {
// i is the quantity in int64 scaled form, if d.Dec == nil
i int64Amount
// d is the quantity in inf.Dec form if d.Dec != nil
d infDecAmount
// s is the generated value of this quantity to avoid recalculation
s string
// Change Format at will. See the comment for Canonicalize for
// more details.
// Value returns the value of q; any fractional part will be lost.
func (q *Quantity) Value() int64 {
return q.ScaledValue(0)
ii := (&clusterQuota.Hard[tenant_admin.ResourceRequestsCPU]).Value()
hardRequestCpu := clusterQuota.Hard[tenant_admin.ResourceRequestsCPU]
作者:jiankunking 出處:http://blog.csdn.net/jiankunking
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