(C language Sample ) Compile procedure
Compile Flow chart (take C language as sample ):
Step 1: Pre Processor
Modify source file , e.g. #include <stdio.h>instruction need stdio.h file , Pre processor will
Read stdio.h and insert directly into source.c file .
Step 2: Compiler
Translate source file into assembly language . (.c -> .s)
Step 3: Assembler
Translate assembly language into machine languageinstruction which is a binary file. (.s->.o)
Step 4: Linker(multiple .o -> .exe)
Notice that ourhelloprogram calls theprintffunction, whichis part of the standard C library provided by every C compiler. The printffunction resides in a separate precompiled object file called printf.o, whichmust somehow be merged with our hello.o program. the linker handles this merge.
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