Python cmd模組
#coding:utf-8 import sys from cmd import Cmd import os class Client(Cmd): prompt = '>' def __init__(self): Cmd.__init__(self) def do_dir(self, arg): if not arg: self.help_dir() elif os.path.exists(arg): print("\n".join(os.listdir(arg))) else: print("No such pathexists.") def help_dir(self): print("syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories") def do_quit(self, arg): return True def help_quit(self): print("syntax: quit -- terminatesthe application") if __name__ == '__main__': client = Client() client.cmdloop()處理結果如下
/Users/wuzi/python35/venv/bin/python /Users/wuzi/workpy/worktest/
>dir /Users
syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
dir help quit
>help dir
syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories
Process finished with exit code 0
#coding:utf-8 import sys from cmd import Cmd import os class Client(Cmd): prompt = '>' def __init__(self): Cmd.__init__(self) def onecmd(self,arg): print ('onecmd:',arg) print(self.parseline(arg)) def do_dir(self, arg): if not arg: self.help_dir() elif os.path.exists(arg): print("\n".join(os.listdir(arg))) else: print("No such pathexists.") def help_dir(self): print("syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories") def do_quit(self, arg): return True def help_quit(self): print("syntax: quit -- terminatesthe application") if __name__ == '__main__': client = Client() client.cmdloop()此時所有的命令資料都會被onecmd()函式接受,此時就不能像上面那個例子直接使用了
>dir /Users
onecmd: dir /Users
('dir', '/Users', 'dir /Users')
onecmd: uu
('uu', '', 'uu')
>uu lll
onecmd: uu lll
('uu', 'lll', 'uu lll')
>help dir
onecmd: help dir
('help', 'dir', 'help dir')
onecmd: quit
('quit', '', 'quit')
#coding:utf-8 import sys from cmd import Cmd import os class Client(Cmd): prompt = '>' def __init__(self): Cmd.__init__(self) def onecmd(self,arg): print ('onecmd:',arg) print(self.parseline(arg)) cmd,args,line = self.parseline(arg) try: func = getattr(self,"do_"+cmd) func(args) except Exception as e: print("error",e) def do_dir(self, arg): if not arg: self.help_dir() elif os.path.exists(arg): print("\n".join(os.listdir(arg))) else: print("No such pathexists.") def help_dir(self): print("syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories") def do_quit(self, arg): sys.exit(0) return True def help_quit(self): print("syntax: quit -- terminatesthe application") if __name__ == '__main__': client = Client() client.cmdloop()這樣就實現了命令列的基本功能處理
onecmd: dd
('dd', '', 'dd')
error 'Client' object has no attribute 'do_dd'
>dir /Users
onecmd: dir /Users
('dir', '/Users', 'dir /Users')
>help dir
onecmd: help dir
('help', 'dir', 'help dir')
syntax: dir path -- displaya list of files and directories
onecmd: quit
('quit', '', 'quit')
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