Top 16 Machine Learning, Data Mining, and NLP Books
Top Machine Learning & Data Mining Books - in this post, we have scraped various signals (e.g. reviews & ratings, topics covered in the book, author influence in the field, etc.) from web for more than 100 Machine Learning, Data Mining, and NLP books. We have combined all signals to compute a score for each book and rank the top Machine Learning and Data Mining books.
The readers will love the list because it is data-driven & objective. Enjoy the list:
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R
This book is very well rated on Amazon website and is written by three professors from USC, Stanford and University of Washington. The book's authors: Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, & Rob Tibshirani all have backgrounds in statistics. The book is more practical than "The Elements of Statistical Learning" counterpart with presenting examples in R.
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition
A well rated book on Amazon written by three statistician professors from Stanford. The first author is Trevor Hastie with research background in statistics & bio-statistics. One interesting thing about the book is that the authors' statistical view to machine learning problems. The book seems a bit heavy invested in theory, so some readers might prefer to pass it!
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
A highly rated book on Amazon written by a well-known author Christopher M. Bishop who is a distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge where he leads the Machine Learning and Perception group. The book is technically comprehensive where it invested on various ML topics including Regression, Linear Classification, Neural Networks, Kernel Methods, and Graphical Models.
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
The "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" book provides methods that can automatically detect patterns in data and then use the uncovered patterns to predict future data. The textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to the field of machine learning, based on a unified, probabilistic approach. The author of the book, Kevin Murphy, is a research scientist at Google where he works on AI, machine learning, computer vision, knowledge base construction and natural language processing.
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition
The "Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques" book written by Jiawei Han from Department of Computer Science at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The book equipping you with an understanding and application of the theory and practice of discovering patterns hidden in large data sets and has got an average review on Amazon.
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Third Edition
This book is rated quite well on Amazon website. It's written by three computer science professors from University of Waikato in New Zealand. The author also were the main contributors of Weka - a data mining software written in Java. Thus, the book spent time on implementation side of data mining area specifically on Weka software workbench.
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques
The Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques is a unique book providing a framework of probabilistic graphical models to design an automated system to reason. The book is written by two computer science professors: Daphne Koller from Stanford AI lab and Nir Friedman from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Introduction to Information Retrieval
The "Introduction to Information Retrieval" is written by compute science professor "Christopher Manning" from Stanford. This is a textbook that teaches web-era information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification and text clustering from basic concepts.
Machine Learning
The "Machine Learning" is a well-know book in the field of Machine Learning written by Tom Mitchell - an American computer scientist professor from the Carnegie Mellon University. Tom Mitchell is the first Chair of Department of the first Machine Learning Department in the World, based at Carnegie Mellon. The "Machine Learning" book touches a few fundamental areas in ML including: Learning, Decision Tree Learning, Neural Networks, Bayesian Learning, Reinforcement Learning and so on.
Speech and Language Processing, 2nd Edition
The "Speech and Language Processing" is written by Dan Jurafsky who is professor of linguistics and computer science at Stanford University. The first of its kind to thoroughly cover language technology – at all levels and with all modern technologies – this book takes an empirical approach to the subject, based on applying statistical and other machine-learning algorithms to large corporations.
Introduction to Data Mining
Well rated book on Amazon website. The book is written by three computer science professors: Pang-Ning Tan from Michigan State University, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar both from University of Minnesota. The book covers different fundamental areas in data mining such as: classification, association analysis, clustering, and anomaly detection.
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
The "Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition" book is kind of old but it's written by Christopher M. Bishop who is a distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research in Cambridge.
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
The "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" is a very well rated NLP book on Amazon. Statistical approaches to processing natural language text have become dominant recently. This foundational text is a comprehensive introduction to statistical natural language processing (NLP). The book contains all the theory and algorithms needed for building NLP tools.
Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications
This book is rated above average on Amazon website and is written by three PhD's who have industrial experience in the fields of data mining and statistics. The book is a comprehensive professional reference book that guides business analysts, scientists, engineers and researchers through different stages of data analysis, model building and implementation.
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
The "Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms" provides an extensive theoretical account of the fundamental ideas underlying machine learning and the mathematical derivations that transform these principles into practical algorithms. The authors of the book are both computer science professor from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Waterloo.
Foundations of Machine Learning
The "Foundations of Machine Learning" is a graduate-level textbook introducing fundamental concepts and methods in machine learning. It describes several important modern algorithms, provides the theoretical underpinnings of these algorithms, and illustrates key aspects for their application. The author, Mehryar Mohri, is a professor of computer science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
- Machine Learning (5) - Training and Testing DataMacAI
- Machine Learning with SklearnMac
- 《machine learning》引言Mac
- Machine Learning (12) - Support Vector Machine (SVM)Mac
- Machine Learning - Basic pointsMac
- Machine Learning(機器學習)之一Mac機器學習
- Machine Learning-IntroductionMac
- Machine Learning (10) - Decision TreeMac
- Machine learning terms_01Mac
- Extreme Learning Machine 翻譯REMMac
- pages bookmarks for machine learning domainMacAI
- Machine Learning(機器學習)之二Mac機器學習
- Machine Learning 機器學習筆記Mac機器學習筆記
- Data Mining的十種分析方法
- Machine Learning(16) - 關於 K Means Clustering 的練習題Mac
- Machine Learning(13)- Random ForestMacrandomREST
- Machine Learning:PageRank演算法Mac演算法
- 機器學習(Machine Learning)&深度學習(Deep Learning)資料機器學習Mac深度學習
- Machine Learning (1) - Linear RegressionMac
- Matlab機器學習3(Machine Learning Onramp)Matlab機器學習Mac
- SciTech-BigDataAIML-Machine Learning TutorialsAIMac
- What is Data Mining 什麼是資料探勘
- 使用Octave來學習Machine Learning(二)Mac
- Machine Learning(14) - K Fold Cross ValidationMacROS
- Machine Learning (8) - Logistic Regression (Multiclass Classification)Mac
- Machine Learning Yearning 要點筆記Mac筆記
- Machine Learning With Go 第4章:迴歸MacGo
- Machine Learning(1)-分類演算法Mac演算法
- 使用Octave來學習Machine Learning(一)Mac
- Machine Learning:神經網路簡介Mac神經網路
- 《深度學習》PDF Deep Learning: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series深度學習APTMac
- Auto Machine Learning 自動化機器學習筆記Mac機器學習筆記
- Machine Learning (6) - Logistic Regression (Binary Classification)Mac
- machine learning model(algorithm model) .vs. statistical modelMacGo
- 論文閱讀:《Learning by abstraction: The neural state machine》Mac
- #Paper Reading# Dual Learning for Machine TranslationMac
- Machine Learning的Python環境設定MacPython
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 第五章(2)Mac