2.1 類的繼承關係
public class ZooKeeperServer implements SessionExpirer, ServerStats.Provider {}
2.2 類的內部類
1. DataTreeBuilder類
public interface DataTreeBuilder { // 構建DataTree public DataTree build(); }
2. BasicDataTreeBuilder類
static public class BasicDataTreeBuilder implements DataTreeBuilder { public DataTree build() { return new DataTree(); } }
3. MissingSessionException類
public static class MissingSessionException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7467414635467261007L; public MissingSessionException(String msg) { super(msg); } }
4. ChangeRecord類
static class ChangeRecord { ChangeRecord(long zxid, String path, StatPersisted stat, int childCount, List<ACL> acl) { // 屬性賦值 this.zxid = zxid; this.path = path; this.stat = stat; this.childCount = childCount; this.acl = acl; } // zxid long zxid; // 路徑 String path; // 統計資料 StatPersisted stat; /* Make sure to create a new object when changing */ // 子節點個數 int childCount; // ACL列表 List<ACL> acl; /* Make sure to create a new object when changing */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // 拷貝 ChangeRecord duplicate(long zxid) { StatPersisted stat = new StatPersisted(); if (this.stat != null) { DataTree.copyStatPersisted(this.stat, stat); } return new ChangeRecord(zxid, path, stat, childCount, acl == null ? new ArrayList<ACL>() : new ArrayList(acl)); } }
2.3 類的屬性
public class ZooKeeperServer implements SessionExpirer, ServerStats.Provider { // 日誌器 protected static final Logger LOG; static { // 初始化日誌器 LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZooKeeperServer.class); Environment.logEnv("Server environment:", LOG); } // JMX服務 protected ZooKeeperServerBean jmxServerBean; protected DataTreeBean jmxDataTreeBean; // 預設心跳頻率 public static final int DEFAULT_TICK_TIME = 3000; protected int tickTime = DEFAULT_TICK_TIME; /** value of -1 indicates unset, use default */ // 最小會話過期時間 protected int minSessionTimeout = -1; /** value of -1 indicates unset, use default */ // 最大會話過期時間 protected int maxSessionTimeout = -1; // 會話跟蹤器 protected SessionTracker sessionTracker; // 事務日誌快照 private FileTxnSnapLog txnLogFactory = null; // Zookeeper記憶體資料庫 private ZKDatabase zkDb; // protected long hzxid = 0; // 異常 public final static Exception ok = new Exception("No prob"); // 請求處理器 protected RequestProcessor firstProcessor; // 執行標誌 protected volatile boolean running; /** * This is the secret that we use to generate passwords, for the moment it * is more of a sanity check. */ // 生成密碼的金鑰 static final private long superSecret = 0XB3415C00L; // int requestsInProcess; // 未處理的ChangeRecord final List<ChangeRecord> outstandingChanges = new ArrayList<ChangeRecord>(); // this data structure must be accessed under the outstandingChanges lock // 記錄path對應的ChangeRecord final HashMap<String, ChangeRecord> outstandingChangesForPath = new HashMap<String, ChangeRecord>(); // 連線工廠 private ServerCnxnFactory serverCnxnFactory; // 伺服器統計資料 private final ServerStats serverStats; }
2.4 類的建構函式
1. ZooKeeperServer()型建構函式
public ZooKeeperServer() { serverStats = new ServerStats(this); }
2. ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog, int, int, int, DataTreeBuilder, ZKDatabase)型建構函式
public ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog txnLogFactory, int tickTime, int minSessionTimeout, int maxSessionTimeout, DataTreeBuilder treeBuilder, ZKDatabase zkDb) { // 給屬性賦值 serverStats = new ServerStats(this); this.txnLogFactory = txnLogFactory; this.zkDb = zkDb; this.tickTime = tickTime; this.minSessionTimeout = minSessionTimeout; this.maxSessionTimeout = maxSessionTimeout; LOG.info("Created server with tickTime " + tickTime + " minSessionTimeout " + getMinSessionTimeout() + " maxSessionTimeout " + getMaxSessionTimeout() + " datadir " + txnLogFactory.getDataDir() + " snapdir " + txnLogFactory.getSnapDir()); }
3. ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog, int, DataTreeBuilder)型建構函式
public ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog txnLogFactory, int tickTime, DataTreeBuilder treeBuilder) throws IOException { this(txnLogFactory, tickTime, -1, -1, treeBuilder, new ZKDatabase(txnLogFactory)); }
4. ZooKeeperServer(File, File, int)型建構函式
public ZooKeeperServer(File snapDir, File logDir, int tickTime) throws IOException { this( new FileTxnSnapLog(snapDir, logDir), tickTime, new BasicDataTreeBuilder()); }
5. ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog, DataTreeBuilder)型建構函式
public ZooKeeperServer(FileTxnSnapLog txnLogFactory, DataTreeBuilder treeBuilder) throws IOException { this(txnLogFactory, DEFAULT_TICK_TIME, -1, -1, treeBuilder, new ZKDatabase(txnLogFactory)); }
2.5 核心函式分析
1. loadData函式
public void loadData() throws IOException, InterruptedException { /* * When a new leader starts executing Leader#lead, it * invokes this method. The database, however, has been * initialized before running leader election so that * the server could pick its zxid for its initial vote. * It does it by invoking QuorumPeer#getLastLoggedZxid. * Consequently, we don't need to initialize it once more * and avoid the penalty of loading it a second time. Not * reloading it is particularly important for applications * that host a large database. * * The following if block checks whether the database has * been initialized or not. Note that this method is * invoked by at least one other method: * ZooKeeperServer#startdata. * * See ZOOKEEPER-1642 for more detail. */ if(zkDb.isInitialized()){ // 記憶體資料庫已被初始化 // 設定為最後處理的Zxid setZxid(zkDb.getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid()); } else { // 未被初始化,則載入資料庫 setZxid(zkDb.loadDataBase()); } // Clean up dead sessions LinkedList<Long> deadSessions = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (Long session : zkDb.getSessions()) { // 遍歷所有的會話 if (zkDb.getSessionWithTimeOuts().get(session) == null) { // 刪除過期的會話 deadSessions.add(session); } } // 完成DataTree的初始化 zkDb.setDataTreeInit(true); for (long session : deadSessions) { // 遍歷過期會話 // XXX: Is lastProcessedZxid really the best thing to use? // 刪除會話 killSession(session, zkDb.getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid()); } }
void killSession(long session, long zxid) { // the list is already removed from the ephemerals // so we do not have to worry about synchronizing on // the list. This is only called from FinalRequestProcessor // so there is no need for synchronization. The list is not // changed here. Only create and delete change the list which // are again called from FinalRequestProcessor in sequence. // 移除session,並獲取該session對應的所有臨時節點 HashSet<String> list = ephemerals.remove(session); if (list != null) { for (String path : list) { // 遍歷所有臨時節點 try { // 刪除路徑對應的節點 deleteNode(path, zxid); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG .debug("Deleting ephemeral node " + path + " for session 0x" + Long.toHexString(session)); } } catch (NoNodeException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring NoNodeException for path " + path + " while removing ephemeral for dead session 0x" + Long.toHexString(session)); } } } }
2. submit函式
public void submitRequest(Request si) { if (firstProcessor == null) { // 第一個處理器為空 synchronized (this) { try { while (!running) { // 直到running為true,否則繼續等待 wait(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected interruption", e); } if (firstProcessor == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Not started"); } } } try { touch(si.cnxn); // 是否為合法的packet boolean validpacket = Request.isValid(si.type); if (validpacket) { // 處理請求 firstProcessor.processRequest(si); if (si.cnxn != null) { incInProcess(); } } else { LOG.warn("Received packet at server of unknown type " + si.type); new UnimplementedRequestProcessor().processRequest(si); } } catch (MissingSessionException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Dropping request: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (RequestProcessorException e) { LOG.error("Unable to process request:" + e.getMessage(), e); } }
3. processConnectRequest函式
public void processConnectRequest(ServerCnxn cnxn, ByteBuffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException { BinaryInputArchive bia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(new ByteBufferInputStream(incomingBuffer)); ConnectRequest connReq = new ConnectRequest(); // 反序列化 connReq.deserialize(bia, "connect"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Session establishment request from client " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress() + " client's lastZxid is 0x" + Long.toHexString(connReq.getLastZxidSeen())); } boolean readOnly = false; try { // 是否為只讀 readOnly = bia.readBool("readOnly"); cnxn.isOldClient = false; } catch (IOException e) { // this is ok -- just a packet from an old client which // doesn't contain readOnly field LOG.warn("Connection request from old client " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress() + "; will be dropped if server is in r-o mode"); } if (readOnly == false && this instanceof ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer) { // 為只讀模式但是該伺服器是隻讀伺服器,丟擲異常 String msg = "Refusing session request for not-read-only client " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress(); LOG.info(msg); throw new CloseRequestException(msg); } if (connReq.getLastZxidSeen() > zkDb.dataTree.lastProcessedZxid) { // 請求連線的zxid大於DataTree處理的最大的zxid,丟擲異常 String msg = "Refusing session request for client " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress() + " as it has seen zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(connReq.getLastZxidSeen()) + " our last zxid is 0x" + Long.toHexString(getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid()) + " client must try another server"; LOG.info(msg); throw new CloseRequestException(msg); } // 獲取超時時間 int sessionTimeout = connReq.getTimeOut(); // 獲取密碼 byte passwd[] = connReq.getPasswd(); // 獲取最短超時時間 int minSessionTimeout = getMinSessionTimeout(); if (sessionTimeout < minSessionTimeout) { sessionTimeout = minSessionTimeout; } // 獲取最長超時時間 int maxSessionTimeout = getMaxSessionTimeout(); if (sessionTimeout > maxSessionTimeout) { sessionTimeout = maxSessionTimeout; } // 設定超時時間 cnxn.setSessionTimeout(sessionTimeout); // We don't want to receive any packets until we are sure that the // session is setup // 不接收任何packet,直到會話建立成功 cnxn.disableRecv(); // 獲取會話id long sessionId = connReq.getSessionId(); if (sessionId != 0) { // 表示重新建立會話 long clientSessionId = connReq.getSessionId(); LOG.info("Client attempting to renew session 0x" + Long.toHexString(clientSessionId) + " at " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress()); // 關閉會話 serverCnxnFactory.closeSession(sessionId); // 設定會話id cnxn.setSessionId(sessionId); // 重新開啟會話 reopenSession(cnxn, sessionId, passwd, sessionTimeout); } else { LOG.info("Client attempting to establish new session at " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress()); // 建立會話 createSession(cnxn, passwd, sessionTimeout); } }
4. processPacket函式
public void processPacket(ServerCnxn cnxn, ByteBuffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException { // We have the request, now process and setup for next InputStream bais = new ByteBufferInputStream(incomingBuffer); BinaryInputArchive bia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bais); // 建立請求頭 RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader(); // 將頭反序列化為RequestHeader h.deserialize(bia, "header"); // Through the magic of byte buffers, txn will not be // pointing // to the start of the txn incomingBuffer = incomingBuffer.slice(); if (h.getType() == OpCode.auth) { // 需要進行認證(有密碼) LOG.info("got auth packet " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress()); AuthPacket authPacket = new AuthPacket(); // 將ByteBuffer轉化為AuthPacket ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(incomingBuffer, authPacket); // 獲取AuthPacket的模式 String scheme = authPacket.getScheme(); AuthenticationProvider ap = ProviderRegistry.getProvider(scheme); Code authReturn = KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED; if(ap != null) { try { // 進行認證 authReturn = ap.handleAuthentication(cnxn, authPacket.getAuth()); } catch(RuntimeException e) { LOG.warn("Caught runtime exception from AuthenticationProvider: " + scheme + " due to " + e); authReturn = KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED; } } if (authReturn!= KeeperException.Code.OK) { // 認證失敗 if (ap == null) { LOG.warn("No authentication provider for scheme: " + scheme + " has " + ProviderRegistry.listProviders()); } else { LOG.warn("Authentication failed for scheme: " + scheme); } // send a response... // 構造響應頭 ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED.intValue()); // 傳送響應 cnxn.sendResponse(rh, null, null); // ... and close connection // 關閉連線的資訊 cnxn.sendBuffer(ServerCnxnFactory.closeConn); // 不接收任何packet cnxn.disableRecv(); } else { // 認證成功 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Authentication succeeded for scheme: " + scheme); } LOG.info("auth success " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress()); // 構造響應頭 ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue()); // 傳送響應 cnxn.sendResponse(rh, null, null); } return; } else { if (h.getType() == OpCode.sasl) { // 為SASL型別 // 處理SASL Record rsp = processSasl(incomingBuffer,cnxn); // 構造響應頭 ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue()); // 傳送響應 cnxn.sendResponse(rh,rsp, "response"); // not sure about 3rd arg..what is it? } else { // 不為SASL型別 // 建立請求 Request si = new Request(cnxn, cnxn.getSessionId(), h.getXid(), h.getType(), incomingBuffer, cnxn.getAuthInfo()); // 設定請求所有者 si.setOwner(ServerCnxn.me); // 提交請求 submitRequest(si); } } // cnxn.incrOutstandingRequests(h); }