- /*
- 使用QWaitCondition和QMutex可以實現比訊號量更精確的控制
- */
- #include <QtCore>
- #include <iostream>
- //const int DataSize = 100000;
- //const int BufferSize = 4096;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 100;
- char buffer[BufferSize];
- //與訊號量不同的程式
- QWaitCondition bufferIsNotFull; //QWaitCondition允許在一定條件下觸發其它多個執行緒
- QWaitCondition bufferIsNotEmpty;
- QMutex mutex;
- int usedSpace = 0;//不是訊號量,而是用來代表在緩衝器中存在多少個“用過的”位元組
- //生產者
- class Producer : public QThread
- {
- public:
- void run();
- };
- void Producer::run()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; ++i) {
- mutex.lock();//鎖定:保護對usedSpace變數的訪問
- //如果緩衝區都是用過的位元組,那麼就等待
- while (usedSpace == BufferSize)
- bufferIsNotFull.wait(&mutex);//wait的過程:解鎖->阻塞當前執行緒->滿足條件->鎖定->返回
- buffer[i % BufferSize] = "ACGT"[uint(rand()) % 4];
- std::cerr<<"P";//代表一次生產者執行緒的執行
- ++usedSpace;
- bufferIsNotEmpty.wakeAll();//Wakes all threads waiting on the wait condition.
- mutex.unlock();//解鎖
- }
- }
- //消費者
- class Consumer : public QThread
- {
- public:
- void run();
- };
- void Consumer::run()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; ++i) {
- mutex.lock();//
- //如果緩衝區裡“用過的”位元組數目為0,則等待
- while (usedSpace == 0)
- bufferIsNotEmpty.wait(&mutex);
- //std::cerr << buffer[i % BufferSize];
- char Cons = buffer[i % BufferSize];
- std::cerr<<"c";
- --usedSpace;
- bufferIsNotFull.wakeAll();
- mutex.unlock();
- }
- std::cerr << std::endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Producer producer;
- Consumer consumer;
- producer.start();
- consumer.start();
- producer.wait();
- consumer.wait();
- return 0;
- }
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 1;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 10;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 100;
- /*
- 使用QWaitCondition和QMutex可以實現比訊號量更精確的控制
- */
- #include <QtCore>
- #include <iostream>
- //const int DataSize = 100000;
- //const int BufferSize = 4096;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 100;
- char buffer[BufferSize];
- //與訊號量不同的程式
- QWaitCondition bufferIsNotFull; //QWaitCondition允許在一定條件下觸發其它多個執行緒
- QWaitCondition bufferIsNotEmpty;
- QMutex mutex;
- int usedSpace = 0;//不是訊號量,而是用來代表在緩衝器中存在多少個“用過的”位元組
- //生產者
- class Producer : public QThread
- {
- public:
- void run();
- };
- void Producer::run()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; ++i) {
- mutex.lock();//鎖定:保護對usedSpace變數的訪問
- //如果緩衝區都是用過的位元組,那麼就等待
- while (usedSpace == BufferSize)
- bufferIsNotFull.wait(&mutex);//wait的過程:解鎖->阻塞當前執行緒->滿足條件->鎖定->返回
- buffer[i % BufferSize] = "ACGT"[uint(rand()) % 4];
- std::cerr<<"P";//代表一次生產者執行緒的執行
- ++usedSpace;
- bufferIsNotEmpty.wakeAll();//Wakes all threads waiting on the wait condition.
- mutex.unlock();//解鎖
- }
- }
- //消費者
- class Consumer : public QThread
- {
- public:
- void run();
- };
- void Consumer::run()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; ++i) {
- mutex.lock();//
- //如果緩衝區裡“用過的”位元組數目為0,則等待
- while (usedSpace == 0)
- bufferIsNotEmpty.wait(&mutex);
- //std::cerr << buffer[i % BufferSize];
- char Cons = buffer[i % BufferSize];
- std::cerr<<"c";
- --usedSpace;
- bufferIsNotFull.wakeAll();
- mutex.unlock();
- }
- std::cerr << std::endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Producer producer;
- Consumer consumer;
- producer.start();
- consumer.start();
- producer.wait();
- consumer.wait();
- return 0;
- }
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 1;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 10;
- const int DataSize = 100;
- const int BufferSize = 100;
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